1. srg86 says:

    Is this a joke?

  2. Dugger says:

    If not, he needs an astronomy lesson, a diagram showed Venus beyond Earth’s orbit.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    The calendar system, like so many things in the world is a tradition, not something based in reality.

    We need to simplify the system down to 12 thirty day months with a period of 5 days of that lie outside of the monthly count.

    Place those 5 days as state holidays at either the end or middle of the year and be done with it once and for all.

    Have leap days as usual added to the state 5 day holiday period and that’s it.

    There is no need to have some months have more days than the others or less based on traditional BS handed down by the Roman Empire. That empire is OVER, bury it and let’s move on.

    Simple, easy, no second guessing, standardises everything from finance to science.


  4. srg86 says:

    Is it really that awkward to have an extra day every 4 years, seems like nothing to me.

  5. Esteban says:

    I think this is supposed to be funny, but I just found it boring. The host/narrator in particular is a surefire sure for insomnia.

  6. Ringo says:

    Was the dude at 2:28 moving a body?

  7. art says:

    #3 Why bother with months, just leave 52 weeks plus 1 (or 2 every 4 years) extra Sunday/party day at the end of the year.

  8. Jetfire says:

    #3 WTF Why change it at all. Everything is based on it. You though Y2K was bad yeah lets just change to make the months even. Hell why have months at all. Lets just have 365 Days a year and no months. Even better lets just have hours a year. How about Minutes or Seconds a year.

    The Romans won on this one get over it.

    BTW only watched 2 minutes of the video so far and if this is not a joke. Humans need to die and the bees can take over. Jesus H Christ this thing is torture to watch. Please water board me instead.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    [Please use tinyurl.com for long urls –ed.]

    Live long and piss on it..

  10. John Paradox says:

    #1 – yes

    #2 – see response to #1

    Okay, let’s look at the things that make this an obvious joke:

    The error in Venus being outside the Earth’s orbit

    the acronyms SALY and POLYP

    Biseisto is Spanish for Leap Year (thank you Babelfish)
    Cuatro is SP for Four
    supposed anthropologist name FEBrero (didn’t bother to translate, fairly obvious)
    Resignato?! (the guy who says it’s a corporate plot to get another day of work – and almost loses it at one point)
    The POLYP woman, whose birthday was moved to the first Monday.

    Actually, I found it interesting satire.


  11. qsabe says:

    Hey Cursor

    Good plan. That was the way Julius Caesar had it working for hundreds of years, then the turd brain Augustus had to go and change things just to get his name on the calendar. He was the one who renumbered the months to eliminate as many 30, an unlucky number, as possible.

    And February used to be the last month of the year, that’s why it ended up with the fewest days. March = Start in Latin. January, that came about with Augustus complained that the tax collectors weren’t getting his share as everyone was out in the fields at springtime. So catch them at home during the darkest coldest days. They also started the years with a new year one every time a new Caesar took over running the country. Only when they tried to fix the date of Jesus death in 560 did they start to renumber the calendar with consecutive years.

    There was no leap year until 1652 when Easter was occurring in summer was it redone. That was when Pope Gregory had his boys figure out a fix, which is really pretty darn good for guys who didn’t even have erasers on their pencils. England, and the US refused to accept the Gregorian calendar for several years, sticking with the Julian calendar they had always used. So as George Washington was born under the Julian calendar we who have accepted the Gregorian calendar now celebrate the father of our countries birthday on the wrong day.

  12. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    Screw months and weeks altogether. Just have days named 1-365. The extra few hours are “limbo time” that are off the calendar and reserved for beer drinking. If the day is divisible by 20 you get the day off from work. Easy, simple, increases productivity.

  13. the answer says:

    I STILL say we should use the Beat system used by Swatch

  14. the answer says:

    either that or have a worldwide day off once every four years. Who could it hurt?

  15. Jetfire says:

    #12 your plan is like mine. But there is an added bonus think of all the money people would save. Companies wouldn’t have to pay employees except end of the year bonuses, since the will be no weekly or monthly pay checks. Workers wouldn’t have to pay monthly bills so that offsets not getting paid weekly or monthly.

  16. Ron Larson says:

    After the French Revolution, the French tried to implement a new metric calender system in order to make things right. It failed and they went back to the Gregorian calendar.


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