TheOpenCD — Looking to save your company money and get out from under the BSA and other watchdogs who want to audit and sue you? Check this out.

TheOpenCD is a collection of high quality Free and Open Source Software. The programs run in Windows and cover the most common tasks such as word processing, presentations, e-mail, web browsing, web design, and image manipulation. We include only the highest quality programs, which have been carefully tested for stability and which we consider appropriate for a wide audience.

  1. Miguel Lopes says:

    I’m already downloading it – but mostly for personal use! Open Source is still a hard sell to the uninformed public, who still wants only Windows and Office.

    Personally I’m a recent convert to Open Source, after seeing the high quality (and actually innovation) in OpenOffice and Ubuntu Linux. This is user-ready software, and I’m actually planning (in a partnership with a small systems integrator here in Portugal) a small series of PCs solely based in Ubuntu (which already includes OpenOffice).

    I am amazed at how polished some of this stuff is, and everyone will have to agree that at least according to the screenshots, OpenCD also looks very polished.

    Not that I’m against Microsoft, far from it, but it sure needs the competition, and we all need the fresh air of innovation!

  2. Pat says:

    Garsh !!!

    And all in one place too !!!

    I just went through the first page and BOOKMARKED it as fast as I could. The major reason I have yet to migrate to Linux is that:

    1) my wife bought me all this expensive Windows software, and
    2) I have all this expensive Windows software.

    This may just help close the gap until I do make the step to Linux, probably sometime next year after Longhorn is introduced.

    I thank all the authors and everyone who had a hand in this and similar projects. My greatest regret is that I lack the talent to contribute meaningfully.

  3. Hank says:

    Great idea. I live in the developing world where software piracy is totally open. You can by any major program for a buck or so. Often, they bundle a company’s whole range of programs on a CD for a buck!

    Still, I think a CD like this would be popular — especially if it came bundled on a new computer.

    But only if the software is mature and not buggy.


  4. jojo says:

    You can also get an excellent collection of free/donateware software for a variety of platforms at

  5. Luís Camacho says:

    They forgot Inkscape!!
    I can’t belive they forgot the best Open Source SVG editor!

    Anyway… I’ve checked their page and found this neat-o text editor called notepad2, just what I needed to replace MS notepad.

    And Miguel Lopes, do that! Tugas Unite!


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