DISCLAIMER: DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO IF you do not want to see obscene remarks and gestures and what appears to be a form of torture of an apparently disturbed, if not mentally-ill, little kid by his brother. If you do watch this, ask yourself where the parents are and why isn’t someone immediately calling the local Child Protective Services Department of the local city or county. I thought twice about posting this but I was even more repulsed by the mostly cold and callous reaction to this video by normal people on YouTube and elsewhere who think it’s amusing without any consideration for what they are actually watching.

Will someone call the police, please! If this is a hoax, which I doubt, call the police anyway. What is wrong with these people?

This video seems to have surfaced two days ago and the viral effect is just beginning. The fallout for these kids is going to be something to see. They have no idea what is going to happen when the big media gets hold of this.

This video is taken off YouTube over and over and gets reposted constantly under the key words “MySpace Kid Flips Out.”

Found by Mike Cosmi

  1. sadtruth says:

    meant to refer to post #33

  2. Greg Allen says:

    I intentionally never say Faces of Death but my memory is that is first mainstreaming of death as entertainment.

    Snuff films — or rumors of them — predate Faces of Death. Wasn’t the film made possible by VHS technology? Before that, nobody would broadcast such a thing but the privacy of VHS made such a video possible.

    Don’t laugh — but I would also say that “Americas Funniest Home Videos” was a major contributor to the pain as entertainment culture. In this case it proved that “victims” are willing to submit their suffering to a wider audience for 15 minutes of fame and possible money.

    Weren’t a number of death-fights in Roman times done by VOLUNTEERS seeking a little fame and some money for their family?

    I can totally imagine volunteers risking or getting death in the video age for the same motivation. … and the public gleefully and cruelly watching it for entertainment.

  3. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    Faces of Death was mostly faked.

    I don’t see this video as all that bad. The warning had me prepared for some kid being tortured and abused. Yes there should have been an adult around to step in and stop it but it wasn’t that bad. A brother being cruel to his brother isn’t all that unusual. It isn’t nice. It isn’t healthy in some cases but it doesn’t warrant the disclaimer on this story.

  4. JDP says:

    These teens are bullies. Judging by the poor child’s reaction, this isn’t the first time he has been attacked by his brother.

    Dvorak is right. We can’t rule out the idea that this kid may in fact have some sort of mental illness. Which if true, makes it that much more cruel.

    Plus the three teens orchestrating this thing look like the typical my space user and probably have had pages themselves at one time. Which would make sense if they now want to distance themselves from the site they believe is no longer cool.

  5. Timbo says:

    The older brother forgot that there is a knife drawer in the kitchen. He’s got to sleep sometime.

  6. JPV says:

    Greg Allen said

    If America is following the decline of Rome — as many claim — the video culture is only going to get worse with cruelty, death and even murder becoming entertainment.


    I’ve watched videos of American soldiers, in Iraq, getting blown-up into confetti by IEDs.

    Pretty funny stuff.

  7. Thinker says:

    The calousness [sic] of the older brothers really make me upset. I’ve been the object of such treatment, and more than once thought of getting some bat or stick and breaking a few ribs, which is what i’d be tempted to do if I walked in on this.

    But lets be compassionate here. Perhaps a better punishement would be to let the younger kid key the older ones car and (presuming he lives at home with the parents) not him get it fixed for several months.

    Ok, done venting. It does provoke me to anger. Damn bored kids.

  8. wiscados says:

    This isn’t that disturbing, hasn’t any of you ever had any siblings?

  9. SlavikCC says:

    I lurked around and found some information regarding this whole affair:

    “A couple of weeks ago, Colin, Sarah (Larson), and I were sitting in my kitchen with my brother while he sat on Myspace. My brother has a history of adding and talking to people who run fake music profiles, live out of state, and don’t know who he is. I looked over and noticed he was messaging someone who looked ‘fake.’ So I threatened to respond to the message that was on his screen and he started freaking out. So I pinned him down and told Colin to write in a response to “wutz up?” From the top of my head, I told him to write “Not much, just suckin some dick, how about you?” He typed it in and clicked ‘Send.’

    At that point, my brother went completely batshit and started screaming his lungs out at us. He threatened to kill us and tried to get a knife from one of the drawers, but I stopped him. He tackled me down and started pulling my hair. I pinned him to the ground so he would stop scratching me. I kept him there until he agreed to calm down, because I was worried that he’d seriously stab one of us. Once he agreed, I let him go and went into the living room with Colin and Sarah.

    About five minutes later, Colin decided to record video footage of Nick going insane. The plan was to say things about Myspace to him and see how he reacts. It would be a documentary, along the lines of the audio and video clips everyone’s heard of the kids who can’t stop playing WoW.

    So we went in the kitchen and asked him various questions about Myspace and threatened to delete his profile. He wouldn’t stop screaming and he ended up getting really violent; throwing salt, measuring tape, kicking chairs, giving us the finger, and physically attacking us. After about ten minutes, we left him alone and things seemed better. I was all sweaty from wrestling with Nick, so I got ready for a shower.

    On my way in, a picture of me was mentioned where I have my dick tucked behind my legs, so I walked out into the living room like that. Just being funny, not even thinking. I don’t really remember anything beyond that point, because it was insignificant to me. Colin got everything from that on video, too.

    After that, I went and took a shower, dried off, yadda yadda. But as I was walking out of my bathroom, I looked into the living room and saw Colin picking my brother up off of his feet and slamming him into the floor. It looked stunningly brutal and Colin had verbally/physically abused my brother before, so I yelled at him and told him to leave my house. He tried to explain himself by saying that my brother had been antagonizing him for about ten minutes straight and blah blah blah, but he could have left or went into another room instead of hurting my brother. There’s no excuse for that. I wouldn’t go into Sarah’s house and beat on her little brother. And Nick ended up with a nearly-broken bloody nose, bruised face, and split lip. If he’d had an impact that was any stronger, he could have died.”

    SOURCE: http://www.fpsbanana.com/threads/108761?53=&posts_page=3

  10. SlavikCC says:

    More background information regarding Nick (aka “Myspace Kid”):

    “Okay, yes, this is one of my good friends Dan, and yes, that’s his brother.
    It’s not funny in the slightest. His brother Nick is extremely mentally disarranged, he’s bipolar and ADD and a whole mess of other stuff. He’s not a right child, and he’ll never be. This video was taken by Dan, Colin, and Sarah after Nick decided that he was going to take a KNIFE to his brother for god’s sake, and everything AFTER this video was an extremely emotional and legal experience for all those involved in the video.”


  11. Josh Miller says:

    How does this even become viral? I watched about 30 seconds of this. Stupid and lame.

  12. hmmm says:

    god shut the fuck up who cares everyone thought it was funny pull the stick out of your ass


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