Smash ‘n’ grab becomes YouTube hit

A video of two young women looting with gay abandon during rioting in the Serbian capital Belgrade was becoming a Balkan smash hit on the video-sharing website YouTube on Friday.

Police arrested some looters but public humiliation by YouTube may prove a far more painful punishment for the pair, whose spree on Thursday night was also aired on local television stations and was being discussed across the Internet.

A persistent amateur cameraman followed the women as they loaded up with chocolates at a corner shop, came out giggling, then went after designer bags, shoes and clothes at Belgrade’s swankiest stores in its vandalized main shopping street.

“Get lost, stop filming,” one of them shouted, so laden down with booty that clothes and bags dripped to the ground amid the broken glass below emptied storefronts.

“But you are the heroines of this protest for me,” the cameraman replied sarcastically above the din of burglar alarms.

  1. master_of_fm says:

    the tramp stamp on the girl with the gray sweats coupled with the looting say more about this girl than words ever could.

  2. SJP says:

    Do they have trailer parks in Belgrade?

  3. hhopper says:

    The next day text-message jokes about the video and the looting swept around Serbia.

    “Swap you 11 left Nikes for 11 left Reeboks,” read one.


  4. Joe says:

    My Guess, the cameraman was in on it and all three decided to go on a shopping spree without money. The Funny thing is, replace those cute girls with some black welfare mom and people would be calling for her hanging. Either way, it proves you don’t have to be poor to loot.

    Next riots here in socal, I’m getting a 50in plamsa screen and a blu-ray player, or 2

  5. Mark Derail says:

    I like this video better.
    It involves a girl, peanut butter, and dogs.

    Jokes aside, it shows how even a civilized society, under the right conditions, descends into chaos. Very sad.

  6. moss says:

    Just to follow your remark, Mark – shows how little the veneer of “civilized” means to many. I’m not surprised in the least.

    Great find, John.

  7. gotvim says:

    #4 Why do you assume that they’re not poor? Because they’re white?

  8. ECA says:

    Alarms all over the place and NOT 1 COP.

    This also proves the idea that MANY arnt getting the few things to make life more FUn/Easy/interesting.

    When folks arent Comfortable, or cant see HOW to make ends meet, they do ALOT of stupid things to MAKE it happen.

  9. James Hill says:

    #11 – Your mom never looked better.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Civil unrest always presents a unique opportunity for discerning shoppers looking for a bargain.

    I think I spotted a glass cleanup on aisle 9 😉

  11. Ron Larson says:

    Most Serbs don’t even know why they are supposed to be upset about loosing Kosovo. Something about a battle between the Serbs and Turks a million years ago. Yup… that is the reason they are all bent out of shape.

    The Serbs just keep getting more and more pathetic. No wonder their provinces keep going independent.

  12. salty dog says:

    while i admit i am disappointed by the actions of a few serbian women who were basically opportunist taking advantage of a situation, this does not change the big picture. in the long run i sypathize with their cause, and i am embarrassed that america has chosen to side against them, it’s all about the age old struggle of communism against capitalism, not what is right or what is wrong. the albanians were and still are invaders installed in part by the ottoman turk empire and it doesn’t go back a million years, actually just a few hundred. it was genocide a massacre beyond belief thought there are those who would re write history to erase this fact they can’t erase what we already knew before they decided to rewrite the books. some of us still remember what we learned in school before the politically correct marxist version of events was introduced.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    #17…. sad… typical cult of victimhood BS. “It wasn’t was them”. That is why the genocides of the 1990’s? Is that why the Serbs went on murdering rampages?

    Things change. Populations shift. Get over it and move on. You are all making total asses of yourself trying to cling to something that is no longer there.

    There is plenty of blame to go around. You can choose to either continue to live in the past and seek revenge for the sins of the fathers. Or you can look forward and decide what to do with your life and your children’s lives.


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