
UK apology over rendition flights

The foreign secretary said in both cases US planes refuelled on the UK dependent territory of Diego Garcia.

He said he was “very sorry” to have to say that previous denials made in “good faith” were now having to be corrected.

The renditions – the transport of terror suspects around the world for interrogation – only came to light after a US records search, he said.

BBC world affairs correspondent Paul Reynolds said the revelations were “a serious embarrassment for the British government”.

Edward Davey said extraordinary rendition was “state-sponsored abduction” and the government must ensure that Britain was not used to “facilitate” it.

Foreign Secretary David Milbrand

  1. gregallen says:

    Secret prisons, torture, disappearing people, summary executions, looting, rapes:

    Bush’s war is one giant terrorist recruiting effort.

  2. Magnus Patris says:

    “Secret prisons, torture, disappearing people, summary executions, looting, rapes:” Gee sounds more like Saddam Hussein or Vladimir Putin to me.

  3. jbellies says:

    Amen, Brother Allen.

    I wonder if the war on terror is all part of a rapturist scenario? After all, it’s only a small logical leap from a suicide bombing (for paradise) to taking everyone with you.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Oh quit your whining. So what if we stopped in Britain? Like the terrorists care if we used the Brit airports to refuel? They hate Britain anyway.

  5. JPV says:

    Awww… how sweet. I still think that it’s VERY funny to watch videos of limey asshole soldiers getting blowed up by IEDs.


  6. JPV says:

    jbellies said, on February 21st, 2008 at 8:36 am

    Amen, Brother Allen.

    I wonder if the war on terror is all part of a rapturist scenario? After all, it’s only a small logical leap from a suicide bombing (for paradise) to taking everyone with you.


    Globalism baby… globalism. A one world government controlled by the Jes bastard Rothschilds. Get used to it. It’s your future… if you lucky enough to be alive and allowed to be a slave for the Jews.


  7. JPV says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  8. RTaylor says:

    Islam is the second largest religion in the UK, making up almost 3% of the population.

  9. Miguel says:

    It’s a signal, when the US staunchest ally is now embarrassed of being so.

  10. pcheevers says:


    I think you’ve clearly illustrated who the knuckle dragger on this forum is.

    Couldn’t you find some traffic to play in, you worthless troll?

  11. geofgibson says:

    Milbrand should be ashamed of himself for making excuses for anything.
    Britain should be proud of the help they’ve given to rid the world of these sub-human cockroaches.

  12. Steve-O says:

    #13 geofgibson – yeah, now if we could just get rid of the JPV cockroach….

  13. chuck says:

    “He said he was “very sorry” to have to say that previous denials made in “good faith” were now having to be corrected.”

    So he’s saying their sorry they were lying about it, and got caught. He doesn’t seem to be apologizing for the actual rendition flights.

  14. the answer says:

    In the picture it looks like they are rowing a boat. Viking style.

  15. Miguel Correia says:

    #13, It’s a funny thing you use the word “cockroaches”. Basically, that was the word Hutus used to describe Tutsis in Rwanda.

    The not so funny thing is that a genocide happened in Rwanda… Is that what’s next?

    Don’t misunderstand me. I, for one, believed in the invasion of Iraq… Until it became obvious there were no WMD, at least. I also seriously believe every f*** terrorist should be simply terminated (no forgiveness, no life penalty, but simply death).

    However, kidnapping and torturing people *without a trial* is simply wrong. I just HOPE most of the people caught in that fish net are indeed terrorists, which makes at least those cases fair. But, what about the ones that are innocent? Would you like it to happen to you?

  16. Andy says:

    “One of the men involved has since been released and one is at Guantanamo Bay.”

    I suppose he was a “terrorist” or “sub-human cockroach” but the US just arbitrarily decided to let him go?

    No he was, of course, merely a suspect (now presumably no longer suspected of anything) just like all the other detainees. All just suspects until PROVEN GUILTY of an offence. Or, I will conceed, guilty of intent to commit such an offence, but with the means, motive and opportunity to do so. Not just a picture of the Sears Tower and an accomplice who happens to be a Joint Terrorism Task Force agent provocateur.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    I am going to bet the british were never told that those planes held terrorist taken they way they were.

    Remember, Diego Garcia is a pimple on the backside of the pacific, and not much goes on there. So a random american flight asking for permission to refuel wouldn’t be anything extraordinary.

    Therefore this shouldn’t be an embarrassment for the british government. An embarrassment for the american government, yes!

    Note, it was the BBC that said it was an embarrassment for the british government. Since when does the BBC speak for the british government?

  18. Greg Allen says:

    >>> # 2 Magnus Patris said, “Secret prisons, torture, disappearing people, summary executions, looting, rapes:” Gee sounds more like Saddam Hussein or Vladimir Putin to me.

    Ain’t that the sad truth… but every one of those things has been done by Americans in the name of “war on terror.”

    We have met the enemy and we’re becoming like him.

  19. Mister Dogshit says:

    Did they get frequent flyer mileage?

  20. Uncle Dave says:

    #21: “Since when does the BBC speak for the british government?”

    Um, since 1927?

  21. Jopa says:

    Terrorists are not humans.
    JPV – I hope you blow up on an IED you coward and lose all four limbs.
    Then you can try and comment again typing with your nose.

  22. Mister Catshit says:

    #21, Oh Yea,

    Once again your ignorance is let out for all to see. Uncle Dave already pointed out that the BBC is indeed the official broadcast arm of Great Britain.

    Diego Garcia might be a pimple, but you have no idea where it is. Try the middle of the INDIAN OCEAN. About halfway between Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

    There is a military base operated jointly by the US and UK. The atoll however is British and thus under ultimate British jurisdiction. The American forces there must obey British laws.

  23. Anon says:

    #25 I agree with you but just because some random guy in a government agency decides someone MIGHT be guilty does not make them a terrorist.

  24. Mister Catshit says:

    #29, Mister Uncle Ben,

    The Beeb is indeed the official broadcast arm of Great Britain.

    1922 as the British Broadcasting Company Ltd, it was subsequently granted a Royal Charter and made a state-owned corporation in 1927. … The stated mission of the BBC is “to inform, educate and entertain”;[3] its motto is “Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation”.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    So this is an admission of USA incompetence, where their record keeping of top secret rendition flights is so bad that they “forgot” that they stopped in the UK for fuel?

    I don’t know what scares me more, the USA breaking just about every international law in the book, or shoddy paper trails.

    As we all know it was a shoddy paper trail that kept us from stopping 9/11!


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