Unexpected Sources Drive Progress of Sex Tech

What do the Marines, NASA, SWAT and aerospace have in common? Each has inspired at least one engineer to provide a new perspective — and a quality contribution — in the business of sexual pleasure.
“We were doing a lot of personal experimentation with toys and we found that they weren’t very durable,” says Peg McIlnay-Moe, an aerospace engineer who co-founded Elemental Pleasures (NSFW) with her husband Dennis. “We thought well, we’re both engineers, we’re both inventive, how can we do this differently? What if we make toys out of metal?”
The SWAT team isn’t always the first thing that comes to mind when you think about masturbation. On the other hand, they do have cool gear, and when they’re doing what they do best, who’s going to question that huge flashlight dangling from the tool belt?
Despite resistance from friends and colleagues who worried that developing sex toys would “hurt our reputation as a family,” Shubin developed what has become one of the most popular sexual devices for men: the Fleshlight. It has now sold more than a million units and comes in a number of configurations to suit various orientations, goals and preferences.

  1. bobbo says:

    Well, somebody’s gotta start?

    The Top 10 reasons a Fleshlight is better than a real woman:

    10. Don’t need to take it to dinner with you, unless you really want to.

    9. go–

  2. ECA says:

    9. you dont need to feed it…Dance with it, court it, play with it…

    8. NO PERIODS, and it dont get pregnant.

    But I like sheep.
    No mother inlaw, NO Bitching, no arguments, you can keep it out side, it can MOW the lawn for FREE, and it fertilizes the yard.

    SO WHAT I need to clean my house and clothes and FEED myself. ITS QUIET..

  3. ECA says:

    I dont need to worry about..
    “GUESS WHAT, I missed my period”

  4. ECA says:

    Before you say it…


  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    #7 Dishwasher safe (?)

    BTW Ray Kurzweil is quoted on the BBC for 2029 saying “machines will be smarter than humans.” Perhaps by then the fleshlight will have a body with some motion.

  6. Don Coyote says:

    The Top 10 reasons a Fleshlight is better than a real woman:

    #6 Leaves the other hand free for the remote control.

  7. kucing says:

    #2 reason women are better than Fleshlight:

    Easier to explain to the TSA officer when it sets off the metal detector.

  8. floyd says:

    Um–as far as “simple pleasures” are concerned, if the “normal” ways aren’t available, what’s wrong with Rosie Palm and a bit of lubricant? Or Freddie Fingers for the ladies?

  9. Jeff says:

    Come on guys… this really isn’t any different than a vibrator (for women). It’s just a toy. Nothing wrong with that though. Whatever floats a person’s boat.

  10. Beonarri says:

    Let’s see…that’s Puma Swede in pink.
    I think the brunette is Raven Riley.
    Dunno who the other blonde is.

  11. DeLeMa says:

    #7 –
    You are SOOO right on there !!
    ROTFLMAO !!!

    #11 –
    Can I get a list of some of your “home” movies ?
    I don’t get out much..

    I dunno guys..can this fleshlight show you where you’d really like to be ?!?
    Puma Swede..now that might be a great destination !

  12. Rick Cain says:

    As expected, the Japanese have taken the fleshlight to a new level of technology.


  13. A Cat says:

    I would say Tenga and fleshlight are pretty close head to head.. but Tenga is more stylish and less bulky..they can be found at Toydemon.com


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