Those chaps at Microsoft promised a special edition Zune 80 for Valentine’s Day, but the units have struck a delay and will not reach their destinations on time. That surely blows, but if your sweet was due to receive a Cupid red Zune 80, fret not. Microsoft is doing the right thing—they’re refunding the cash, and shipping the Zunes for free regardless.

“Our goal is to provide a smooth customer experience for ordering, customization, and delivery. We sincerely apologize for not meeting that goal in this specific case. We will be refunding the entire amount of your order, which you should be able to see on your credit/debit card within 7-10 days. We hope you love your Zune and that you will accept our sincere apology.”

You know, I’m still glad my wife didn’t order one for my birthday.

  1. Don Moore says:

    You can always get a custom engraved RED iPod from Apple, and they ship within 24 hours.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    MS’ inspiration…

  3. BubbaRay says:

    Boy, I’ll bet that cost ’em. They had to refund all 6 orders.

  4. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    “that’s a real compensation and not that halfway coocked mockery of a compensation that mac gave its cult followers when they dropped the oy!Phone price.”

    Ya, pedro. Of course, it’s also a lot easier to do when, like M$, you’ve got a warehouseful of the goddam things that you ain’t gonna get rid of any other way…

    I don’t think Apple has that problem, last I checked. 🙂

  5. hhopper says:

    Rickety Rick,
    Rickety Ram,
    Son of a Bitch,
    Ridey Didey,
    Christ Almighty,
    Yaaaaaaaay, Microsoft.

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    Like that AC/DC song says “Sink the pink.”

  7. the answer says:

    The only time I wish i ordered a zune.


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