General Motors announced that 3,900 auto dealers who sell GM’s Certified Used Cars will list their entire inventories on eBay Motors, according to industry publication Automotive News…

Mark Matthews, GM’s director of used-vehicle activities, told Automotive News that the certified used-vehicle inventory of dealers who sell GM Certified-brand vehicles will be listed on the third-party classified site starting in the second quarter…

Uh, are you ready to buy a used car on eBay?

  1. Steve S says:

    Why not. eBay does a brisk business selling used cars. If buying a used car from a stranger without even seeing it (other than eBay photos) is acceptable to people, then buying the same way from a used car dealer should be OK. I mean if you can’t trust a used card dealer then who can you….. oh.. wait….

  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    Good thing computers took off like they did…


  3. Having sold one used car over eBay I must say that GM should have plans for peculiarities of the buyers on eBay: I needed to list car 3 times (yes I was persistent to try it). One winner simply ignored any contacts. Next one attempted “Nigerian scam” (cudos to eBay, he got kicked out immediately). Third one was a charm – sold car to FL buyer at about 25% more than I could get in NY and about 10% more than I ever expected… So, it could work.

  4. Higghawker says:

    #2 That is hillarious!!! John never looked better!

  5. Greg Allen says:

    My family has bought two used cars recently and I looked at eBay, Craig’s list, the local classified.

    BY FAR, Craig’s list was the best.

    It is the easiest to search, filter, bookmark, etc.

    Best I can tell, there is one exception: locality.

    If you want to search nationally, it’s not easy on Craig’s list but is easy on eBay.

    Obviously most people don’t want to drive hundreds of miles to buy a car but some specific collectors would.

  6. bill says:

    I think it’s a great idea. We will see more of this. Eventually ‘everything everywhere’ will be available on e-bay.

    Remember the ‘global marketplace’.. well, here it is!

  7. Greg Allen says:


    I checked your link — pretty cool. It DOES seem to allow you to easily broaden your Craig’sList search region. I wonder why CraigsList itself doesn’t have this utility?

    To change the subject:

    Is anyone asking Ron Paul how his (supposed) “Fair Tax” will affect on-line retail.

    I would imagine that shifting the WHOLE TAX BURDEN onto consumers via retail business, that’s gonna be a whopping sales tax.

    What 40? or or 50% ? I notice the “fair tax” people tend to not talk much about this number and how it will affect retail business.

    Anyway, how will it affect eBay if all items are 50% higher in price?

    For starters, I assume rich people will buy a whole bunch more stuff from overseas.

  8. bill says:

    How much is the VAT overseas?

  9. Stu says:

    This is nothing new. Check this out:

    Some eBay Facts (as of Nov. 2002)

    – eBay has 50,000,000 users.
    – There are 12,000,000 items for sale every day.
    – Vendors sell $41,000,000 of goods daily.
    – A motorcycle is sold on eBay every 18 minutes.
    – An SUV is sold on eBay every 30 minutes.
    – eBay is the largest seller of used cars, motorcycles and auto parts on the internet.
    – NASA shops eBay for obsolete computer parts to keep the Space Shuttle flying.
    – 150,000 people have given up their jobs to become full time eBay vendors.
    – IBM, Disney and other companies now sell on eBay. They get the same terms from eBay as all other vendors, regardless of size.
    – For every million transactions, 30 are unsatisfactory – that’s .00003.
    – eBay owns no products and has no inventory.
    – eBay stock is worth more than Bloomingdales, Macy’s, Sears and Toys-R-Us combined.
    – In 1998, 8% of eBay items consisted of Beany Babies.
    Remember these stats are as of November 2002

  10. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #9 – go to and look into it. The number is 23% to be revenue neutral. I used to be completely sold on it, now I have some questions on how to prevent a black market and there has to be a constitutional amendment to prevent any form of income tax or we’d just end up with both. In theory though, it’s much more fair than an income tax.

  11. Todd Henkel says:

    I’d rather buy a car on EBay than from a used car salesman. And used cars have a huge margin compared to new cars for the the dealer. I would rather give fair market value to an actual person. Used car salesmen are not actual people…

    But the fact they will now be posting on EBay just means more static I will have to filter out.

  12. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Considering I bought my ’88 535i on eBay for about half the price I could find one offered locally, which far more than made up for the costs of the highly enjoyable trip to close the deal, pick up the car in person and drive it back – being probably the best bargain I’ve ever gotten in about 3 dozen cars over the last 40 years, the answer is ‘of course.’ And quite likely every vehicle I buy from here on will be off of eBay.

  13. mark says:


  14. jefflyngo says:

    A highly recommended site is for online auctions. They are the new ebay. Buyser also save a ton because this site charges little or nothing depending on the day. One more reaso I like is because they don’t take a part of the sale at all. No commissions or final value fees.Many smaller sites like this offer buyers far better deals than ebay ever could. A+++


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