London Eye. Click picture for a larger version.

  1. bobbo says:

    The Eye is one of the easier landmarks to find in London using Google Earth. Picture is actually rather nice being from 240 miles away?

  2. zybch says:

    I’ve always thought the ‘eye’ was a dreadful eyesore, and after reading about the tens of millions needed each year from sponsors to keep it going I’m even more confused thnan ever at why the thing was stuck there in the first place.

  3. Grigor says:

    Oh man! This must be the ugliest/most kits thing ever created! Really embarrassing…

  4. TIHZ_HO says:

    #2 zybch

    I’m even more confused thnan ever at why the thing was stuck there in the first place.

    In a word? “Government” Obviously someone in the government with enough power and influence thought that would be nice.

    Do you know Shanghai has something similar that was very expensive to build $1,300,000,000 (1.3 billion), maintain and does essentially nothing but say “Hey look at we built, isn’t cool and expensive and aren’t we great?”

    It’s the Maglev (magnetic levitation) train! It goes very, very fast from the Pudong international airport to?….nowhere.

    You will need to catch a taxi or the Metro (Subway) to get to Shanghai proper, as you are still in Pudong, which is east of the river, and downtown Shanghai, Puxi, is west of the river and where anyone will want to be.

    So after you schlepped your bags over to and down the escalators, no trolleys, you have the choice to take a taxi, or the Metro.

    Take the taxi!!!! The Metro does not accommodate any bags and is packed like sardines who also don’t care you have bags, as you, and your bags, are just objects that are simply in their way.

    It would have been really cool if the Maglev made it to the 2010 World Expo Site but as John Belushi would say “But, NOOOooooooooooOOOOooooooooooo!” 😆


  5. david perry says:

    The London Eye is cool. It looks cool in person, it is a cool ride ( and a traditional one, both view towers and Ferris wheels have a long history) and it sits in a very nice site next to the old London county hall. From the eye you see the most famous bend in the Thames, overlooking Parliament and Big Ben, with the cathedral a little off to the left. The best time to go is at twilight. From the top (comfortable in a climate controlled glass capsule) one can look over the rooftops of London and imagine the flights of Michael, John, Wendy, and Peter—of of Mary Poppins–or, for that matter, of a V1. Millions have ridden the eye, and on a sunny day it is still crowded.

    It is something built purely for enjoyment, and it endures because it is enjoyable. All you angry accountants should go on your next trip to London. Sip a lemonade, watch the magicians and mimes in the park, and ride on the London Eye—you might even like it…

    I could imagine the song in my mind:

    “I know a place where dreams are born
    and time is never planned,
    it’s not on any chart,
    you must find it in your heart,
    it’s never-never land

    It’s somewhere far beyond the moon,
    or right there, where you stand,
    Just think of lovely things,
    and your heart will fly on wings,
    to never never land,

    You’ll find a treasure if you stay there,
    More precious far than gold,
    For once you have found your way there,
    You will never, never grow old,

    So that’s my home where dreams are born,
    And time is never planned,
    Just think of pleasant things
    And your heart will fly on wings,
    To Never-Never Land!


    David Perry

  6. bac says:

    According to this article,, big wheels are the next spitting contest.

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    #6 Bac – You’re right. Beijing will have the tallest ferris wheel when it is finished later this year.

    Speaking of Beijing, if you are going to the Olympics be damn sure to book at least a 5 star hotel as hotels in Beijing are terrible.


  8. BubbaRay says:

    Thanks, Gasparrini! Ask and I did receive. Very nice picture.

    London’s 2008 New Year Celebration fireworks makes the Times Square event seem like nap time. 11:25, so skip the middle if you like. The finale is amazing.

  9. USA rocks says:

    The “eye” looks ugly dude! Reminds me of some structures in North Korea! The only thing missing os the pic of the local “dear leader” (i.e., Queen) on top! LOL!!


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