OK, I know what you guys are thinking, imagine how this can be applied to pr0n! Click here to watch a cricket match slowed to 2000 fps, (as if cricket isn’t slow enough already).

  1. Gadget Guy says:

    Does Egghead stock them yet?

  2. eaze says:

    How long will it take until I can get this in my phone?

  3. kanjy says:

    When I saw “imagine how this can be applied to pr0n! Click here”, I was immediately disappointed to see “to watch a cricket match” following.

  4. badSteveO says:

    I like how the dude’s expression shows surprise when he deliberately popped the water balloon with a pin. Was he surprised by the result?

  5. Ron Larson says:

    So is it digital? Brand name? What media can record that much data that fast? Is it limited to a few seconds so the media can catch up?

  6. Peter iNova says:

    You can buy the Casio Exilim Pro EX-F1 for under a grand and shoot your own images up to 1200 fps. Sub-video res (512 x 384 pixels) goes to 300 fps and 432 x 192 wide aspect images goes up to 600 fps.

    The 1200 fps is at a crude 336 x 96 pixels, but their camera has a 12:1 zoom with the equivalent of of a 432mm tele lens on it.

    It also will shoot 60i at 1920 x 1080. And full frame 6MP for 60 frames in a burst of 60 fps, or longer with lower fps. All this lands on a simple SD card.

    It even has sensor-shift image stabilization.

    Available March, they say.

    I handled it at PMA. Wholey cow!


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