Every TV political pundit is twisting and turning as hard as he or she can to tell us what the primaries yesterday meant, all with a slant, bias or whatever based on the network they’re on, what party they represent and what gives the best ratings. Here is the list of the winners yesterday. Simply put, what do you think the results mean? Who do you predict we will have to choose from in November? If you voted yesterday and want to share your selection, why that person?

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #62 – Some Dmeocrats might really believe there were no homeless when Clinton was President.

    No one believes that.

    What we KNOW however was that the incidence of homelessness dramatically increased during the Reagan administration. Most likely as a result of Reagan budget cuts to programs that provided services and housing to the mentally ill.

    If you’d like to hear me criticize Clinton, I will. He didn’t fix Reagan’s fuck up. There, I criticized Clinton. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #59 – In Sicko – Jabba the Hut, er, I mean, Michael Moore blames the health care problems on Nixon. This will shock you, but to be fair he may have a point.

    Right now, I would take Reagan, in his current decomposing state, over any of our 3 standing candidates.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #65 – Why don’t you have a blog? I’d sure as hell read it.

  4. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #66 – Then I’d have 1 reader. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I already spend too much time (especially at work ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) polluting this blog. I sure as hell don’t have enough time to do one of my own, much as I’d like to.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #67 – You could keep lists on it…

    How many animals you killed this week.
    How many children in El Salvador were sacrificed to make your boots.
    How many tons of salt did you spread over the Earth this week.

    Stuff like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:


    My boots don’t come from El Salvador.
    I’ve severely reduced my salt intake because it was a choice between that and beer.

  7. Thomas says:

    > corporate raiders to swallow up
    > smaller American
    > companies, lay everyone off, and liquidate the
    > assets.

    How would deregulation create that effect? If anything, deregulation would create more jobs through increased competition. What about the thousands of industries that were not regulated but swallowed by corporate raiders? Is Reagan to blame for that too? What about the thousands of industries and jobs that were created from increased investment caused by lower taxes? I’ll bet far more jobs were created by the booming economy of the eighties than were lost to corporate raiders by a long shot.

    RE: Chinese imports

    Welcome to the global economy where countries compete with each other for business. Just as it used to be that cheap US imports were good for the British economy so are Chinese imports good for the US economy. Those cheap Chinese imports allow people to use their money for other goods and services. If Americans can make better products or cheaper ones than the Chinese, they will do so. If not, then they will move into industries where they do have a competitive advantage. The foundation of the country is in the market system which forces people and companies to compete. Competition by its nature means that some companies and individuals will not be chosen over others.

    RE: College

    The Federal government should never have been in the business of funding education. Instead they should set standards and let the States and private organizations figure out how to meet those standards and if they so choose, providing grants and funding. So, if college is too expensive blame the colleges and States, not the Federal government.

    RE: Liberalism

    One of Reagan’s greatest accomplishments was to show that modern liberalism has nothing to do with freedom or the type of liberalism espoused by the Founding Fathers. It has to do with a nanny State created through a massive overpowering central government and a heavy tax burden. If anything we have forgotten Reagan’s lesson about smaller central government (which means less money for non-essential programs) and more active local governments.

    RE: “I don’t recall”

    No. That would be Oliver North.

    IMO, the only big knock against Reagan is that he let the deficit get out of control even though he did so to end the Cold War.


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