
Sania Mirza, the most successful tennis star in India, has announced that she has no desire to play in her country any more…

“Every time I play in India, there is a problem,” Mirza, currently ranked 29th in the world and No. 1 in Asia. “Considering all that, I thought it would be better not to play in Bangalore,” she added, explaining her decision to boycott India’s most prestigious tennis tournament, the Bangalore Open, in March.

“In fact, I feel it would be better if I don’t play in the country for some time.”

In December, Mirza, a young Muslim from Hyderabad, was accused by Indian nationalists of desecrating the national flag after she was caught on camera resting her bare feet on a table next to the Indian colors. Earlier that month there was anger from Muslim groups when she filmed an advertisement at a 17th-century mosque in her home town, the southern city of Hyderabad.

Both cases made front page news and triggered two lawsuits. After the flag incident, Mirza was summoned to appear before a court in Bhopal, to answer a case, filed by a private citizen, under the Prevention of Insult to the National Honour Act. The police are pursuing a case of trespass in relation to the filming in the mosque.

Folks presume that electoral democracy somehow equates with individual freedom. India has a long way to go.

  1. Dallas says:

    Good article. I would say India has a ways to go but I feel they are on a fast track to bringing their individual freedoms up to the 21st century.

    There is substantial American and western influence with their young generation and many of their young leaders are schooled in western nations.

    Within a decade or so, they will have the freedoms enjoyed by citizens of western Europe. If a democrat get elected here, even we may be able to restore our freedoms to that of western Europe.

  2. azpundit says:

    Sania is certainly welcome to play here in Phoenix!

  3. raffi says:

    Sounds like Turkey. False Democracy.

  4. the answer says:

    Hey it’s good to see protesting. But honestly bare feet by a flag ( what’s a flag doing on a table anyways ) That’s what passes as protesting? Come on.

  5. B. Dog says:

    [Message deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  6. jbenson2 says:

    #3 said:
    getting locked up for saying something offensive that we won’t have those rights anymore….

    He is absolutely correct about the liberal left’s desire to force political correctness on everyone. The left not only favors incrimination for their view of hate speech, but are now pushing the limits to include hate thought.

  7. amodedoma says:

    No need to go so far as India, intolerence is everywhere, it’s a global problem. In the US, it seems they tried so hard to be tolerant, that they’ve become intolerant. If somebody would have told me 35 years ago that my boyscout troop would be shut down for not accepting a homosexual scoutmaster or how the christmas nativity scene was removed from the town hall or how now they say happy holidays instead of merry christmas or how a casual commentary about sex at work can get you sued. Tolerence has got to be a delicate balance based on respect and understanding. I guess that the world is short on respect and understanding nowadays.

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Dear Strident Islamists,
    Fuck Off!

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    “If a democrat get elected here, even we may be able to restore our freedoms to that of western Europe.”

    Which are those? The freedom to be provided for through the labor of others?

  10. edwinrogers says:

    This isn’t religious intolerance or even strident nationalism, but sexism. Here is an Indian woman making a success of her life without an Indian man.

  11. George says:

    Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. The framers of the US constitution spoke about the ‘tyranny of democracy’, and the constitution was designed to limit both the government and the majority.

    When asked about the difference between Liberty and Democracy, Benjamin Franklin replied “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.”

    Limits on democracy and safeguards for individuals are of paramount importance. Even the US constitution was an incomplete effort. Remember that slavery was both democratic and legal.

    If they can do it to someone else they can do it to you.

  12. morram says:

    We have the same problem in America with christians. Christians can molest children then turn around and complain about a lady’s skirt being too short or her belly shows below her blouse. The they shovel a stupid stick in your face and tell you you’ll be unhappy when you are dead.

  13. MikeN says:

    I don’t think these are the problems she’s had. If so then the real reason she isn’t playing there is because there’s not enough money. She has ‘gone Hollywood’ and is making excuses. If filming at a mosque is a crime, then she should have stayed away rather than try to make money off her religion. Protecting the flag is a legit prosecution. As for that thing about her hometown. Hyderabad is about as big as New York City.

  14. Phillep says:

    India has Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, and several other religions. So far as that goes, the Hindu “religion” is a mish-mash of many separate religions, varying by region, bound together in one fairly tolerant mess.

    She is Moslem, and most of her trouble comes from Islam. Don’t blame India for the intolerance she is having trouble with.

  15. jlm says:

    not sure why anyone with fame/money would choose to live in India anyway

  16. jbenson2 says:

    jlm said: not sure why anyone with fame/money would choose to live in India anyway

    It is stinking hot there, but if you have money, you can live a very, very good life. Start of with a home the size of a castle, with servants to take care of every detail of your life. There are many well educated people who are fluent in English.

    And if you have a problem with your computer, there is no place easier to find a tech to solve it.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    So… how many of you perverts thought “She can play with my balls anytime“?

  18. Rick Cain says:

    If an american sports figure is seen stepping on an American flag…..

    If an american sports figure is seen disrespecting a church….

    Come on people, the USA is no bastion of tolerance. We can’t even get an pro-peace president in power and christian conservatives want to ban liquor, dancing, mixed race marriages and women in politics.

  19. bobbo says:

    So, an Indian ex-pat is feeling a bit ill so he goes to a Dr. All tests come back negative. A month later feeling worse he goes to the local “India Town” and consults the Indian doctor there. The doctor checks pulse, breathing, iris and whatnot and leaves the room. Comes back with a bucket and says, stick your head in here for 2 minuntes.

    The guy was suspect but nothing else had worked so why not? It was foul smelling but he did it. Next day, he called the doctor and said “I’m Cured!!” What in the world was in that bucket?

    Dr answered, oh, that was just a combination of cow and dog shit with some human urine and some auto exhaust. I’ve seen your condition many times, you were just home sick and needed to be reminded.

  20. An Indian says:

    This is a typical post by someone who doesn’t understand India or the complex political and social climate there. The case against Sania Mirza has been filed by a Lawyer known to file frivolous lawsuits against celebrities. This is a technique used by lawyers in India to gain publicity at the expense of celebrities. Other Indian sports and film stars have been targeted like this before.
    This is actually a negative quality of a real democracy. You also get the right to file a lawsuit against anyone, and the courts will not dismiss it without a hearing, however frivolous it might be.
    Before jumping to conclusions with his idiotic prejudices, Dvorak should’ve asked some of his Indian friends about what’s going on. I’m sure he’ll find many of them in Silicon Valley :).

  21. bobbo says:

    #23–Indian==so if someone had expert knowledge of India’s complex political and social climate, how should this news item have been posted?


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