Check out Ellen and the pair she got for her show:

For a mere $294 you can have one of your own through the company’s website! Or, for those who were mesmerized by their infomercial, operators are standing by! What’s really odd about their site is that the video on the page stops part way through. Must be a slick marketing trick I’m not aware of.

And you just know there will be third-party, ‘personal’ attachments made for this. IF you know what I mean…

  1. kicksum says:

    Attack of the show did a segment on the chair:

    [Please use for long urls — ed.]

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    Weight loss probably occurs mostly from vomiting induced by motion sickness rather than calorie expenditure. There is something slightly erotic watching women swirl side to side on that chair.

  3. ECA says:


  4. Don Coyote says:

    Can’t help but think that if you see your cat or dog moving around like that, it’s probably time for a de-worming.

  5. bobbo says:

    Has alot in common with that personal helicopter from yesterday?

    Tried to google it, but no medical review. This is NOT passive exercise as the muscle contractions are made “involuntarily?”

    From the funny videos, the rotation is too wide. From the sales site, they look like they still could be smaller?

    Any ideas on why/how this should or should not actually work?

    We deskjockies need to know!

  6. Balbas says:

    You’re in an interview and the employee starts rotating after a few minutes. Would you want to work there?

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    Hello…perhaps this is why the US economy is right up shit creek?!

    How many people buy this endless stream of junk like this, on credit of course with easy payments, and the punch line is…ITS MADE IN CHINA! Woo HOO!

    Yes, capitalism is great and yes, a Free market is great too, but that only works if you make the stuff or at least a sizable percentage of it!! Ever thought why China has embraced and has a successful Free Capitalist Market society with an annual 250 billion dollar trade surplus!?

    Is this too difficult to understand??

    I suppose it is. So who is laughing…all the way to the bank…? Ni Hao!

    While Americans will be shouting from the rooftops defending their freedom buying culture.

    Dumb, dumb and dumber…


  8. thadco says:

    Shit, can you imagine the sheer number of product liability claims resulting from all the lower back injuries?!

  9. Sying Flaucer says:

    #1 Kicksum
    “Attack of the show”

    Please! I cannot bring myself to watch G4, I used to love the Screen Savers and refuse to watch Attack of the show.

    #7 TIHZ_HO

    I thought you were cashing in on the whole China thing?

  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    #9 Sying Flaucer

    We are! However we only export raw materials to manufacturers and not finished products. Therefore we strongly promote manufacturing outside of China. (Synthetic leather manufacturing materials and pearlescent / special effect pigments)

    The more manufacturing there is outside of China the better our business is and the happier we are! 🙂 Woo HOO!


  11. Superdemon says:

    For the mere fee of $300.00 and you dignity you to can look like an idiot while sitting at home; alone, so very, very alone.

  12. Seth says:

    The woman in the video said it best.

    “It takes the work out of the work day.”

    If someone brought this to the office, I’d be laughing non-stop as I was when I watched it here.

  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    Seth – Maybe that’s the idea! The ones losing the weight are the people around the person in the chair…from laughing hysterically!

    Imagine all the fun work places for this chair.

    A Chiropractic waiting room

    A Psychologist office LOL! Imagine a person walking into the office with a nonchalant John Cleese looking Doctor rotating around asking “May I help you?” 😆

    All members of Congress!!

    Presidential Election candidate Debate!

    The President of the US during the State of The Union Speech!!! HAHAHA!

    Yup, “American Know How” alright! 😆 What a goof!


  14. pjakobs says:

    Ok, if I ever become CEO, I want a boardroom with those seats. Remote controlled by me. And I wouldn’t care if the people I set spinning with this loose weight at all!

    Actually, I wonder if you can get like 20 of those synchronized. I see some real potential there!


  15. Dallas says:

    if you act now, you can get a free dildo attachment.

  16. the Three-Headed Catâ„¢ says:

    #0 – ‘Check out Ellen and the pair she got for her show’

    Hmm. I thought she already had a fairly nice pair. Go figure, huh?

  17. HeMM says:

    Is this “Saturday Night Live”?

  18. TIHZ_HO says:

    HeMM You would hope so – but its not…




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