A bill that would force some Mississippians to back away from the buffet, or any restaurant, has begun its trip through the 2008 Legislature.

House Bill 282 would prohibit restaurants from serving food to anyone who is obese, based on criteria from the state Department of Health…

A 2007 report put that state’s obesity rate at 30.6 percent – the worst in the nation.

Fat Chance? Har.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    1. This “Don’t feed the Fat” bill is a joke and the lawmaker who put it forward should be expelled.

    2. Looking at that picture. They should pass a law stating that to apear in public without a shirt you must have more hair on your head than on your back. Wow!

  2. Mississippi forecast to lose all sumo tournaments from this point forward.

    I still like my solution to obesity though …


  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    There really is an epidemic of obesity in the South and Midwest. I disagree with the proposed law, but I would hope it could bring knowledge for such health issues caused by living a life sick with obesity. Corn bread is delicious, with butter and some gravy. Mmmm, mmm. But obesity really is a disease.

  4. Cinaedh says:

    Next Stupid Law: stores will only be allowed to sell cigarettes to non-smokers.

  5. JimR says:

    #3, THAT was funny. 🙂

    My solution is to perfect a car engine adaptor that runs any car efficiently on human fat.

  6. Mister Apeshit says:

    Maybe we should feed the the homeless to chicks with FUPAs. http://tinyurl.com/33zzu4

  7. the answer says:

    Define Obese. This is gonna be great for the host / hostess at any restaurant. Now they are gonna have to guess the weight of people.

  8. JimR says:

    Pedro, I must have missed that one. Where did he get the flesh? The obese better start looking over their shoulder. 🙂

  9. Esteban says:

    I would hate to be the guy at the restaurant who has to say “I’m sorry, sir, but you’re too big of a fat-ass to eat here.”

  10. Professor Johnnycakes says:

    I am struck by the photo shown here, that perhaps prohibiting the use of rogain on one’s back would be better legislation. And there’s that backhair weaving issue…

  11. dvdchris says:

    Please. This has no chance in hell of passing. If it did, the courts would rule it to be unconstitutional. This guy is just trying to get attention to this issue.


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