Part of the Problem?

Caution: Sexually Explicit Content in Linked post

Wanton women cry that men miss the real target – Mainichi Daily News — A new development where men cannot consummate normal sex. This has got to have all sorts of social repercussions in Japanese society if true.

Though there’s no data available on exactly how many Japanese men are actually suffering from vaginal ejaculation disorder, a soapland brothel worker the magazine gives as its source says over her many years of servicing male clients, it would have to be around 70 percent.

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  1. Calin says:

    I find it fascinating that this is fairly close to the argument that fundamentalists have been using against porn for years in this country.

    I scoffed at them then (and more or less now)…but it does make you think.

  2. Named says:

    If any women in Japan need a commitment free deposit, I’m available.

    I think the real problem in Japan maybe all the tentacle porn and rape fantasies they have. They just don’t “get” normal sex any longer…
    and that ends the flame…

  3. Jeff says:

    I like this story better:

  4. Mister Apeshit says:

    I don’t think I could get it up for those chicks either.

  5. Improbus says:

    @Mister Apeshit

    The “women” in the day-glo wigs are guys … just so you know.

  6. Brian says:

    man, i so love Japanese chicks, maybe a trip is in order

  7. TatooYou says:

    Is that “Wanton” women or “Won-Ton” women…

  8. Brian says:

    Holy moly, this is one web site i did not need to know about. Productivity is in decline

  9. Mister Apeshit says:

    #5 – if they are guys then my comment still holds true. Man, could you imagine being drunk and picking them up? It would be like, “hey, hey, what the hell is this?”

  10. Improbus says:

    @Mister Apeshit

    You must not get out much. You can get all that weird shit on our very own southern border. Just go find the local brothel neighborhood in any of the US/Mexican border towns.

  11. Mister Apeshit says:

    #10 – Yeah, I’m sure. I guess I somehow buffer myself from that segment of the population.

  12. Jetfire says:

    #6 I hope your Japaneses than because I saw a report a few years back. The Japanese are very racist when it comes to sex. The guy doing the show was at a brothel and the owner was tell all the stuff they offered. When the asked him what it would cost him to get some action. They went NO NO not you. Your a gringo(ok not that world I forget the slant word he used) But he said he might 1 girl you might service him.

    I got a kick out because some race issue was in the news about how racist Americans are compared to the rest of the world. Any here were people that Americans were supposed to be racist against being more racist.

    I do agree with #2 on allot of their porn is sick.

  13. Named says:


    Gaijin might be the word you’re looking for…

    The Japanese are notoriously xenophobic. Hell, that’s the reason that when the US Navy showed up in the late 1800’s with battleships and cruisers, the Japanese were still goldfish tending and walking around on wood shoes. They tossed all the foreigners out about a hundred years prior after the re-unification of feudal Japan.

    They’ve come a long way in some regards, but they are still a very insular society.

  14. SN says:

    13. “The Japanese are notoriously xenophobic.”

    You got that right. The Japanese are so xenophobic they discriminate against each other due to alleged “inferior” blood types. You’re pretty fucked up when you have to go to such ridiculous extremes to make your fellow countryman feel inferior.

    Not to mention the fact that there have been Koreans living in Japan for four generations and they are still considered aliens under the law and by law they must carry alien cards wherever they go.

    Check out the movie Fear and Trembling for a good view from an outsider who tried to live in Japan.

    Anyone who thinks the US is highly racist doesn’t know shit about the rest of the world.

  15. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Oh, noooooooo, SN. Doncha know, prejudice against people different from oneself was invented by, and is used exclusively by, white Westerners. Didn’t you see the memo?

  16. OmarTheAlien says:

    We brought our beat up old LST into Sasebo somewhere around ’67 or ’68 for a much needed refit, and I can remember being stranded ashore when the riots broke out over the nuclear powered carrier Enterprise’s arrival. While they were water hosing the demonstrators at the Navy yard gate I was tucked in with my Japanese girlfriend, on the phone with the OD, agreeing with him that I should stay put, then spending the day eating whale meat, watching Sumo and the rioters on the TV, and spending quality time with my lady in the Japanese baths. There didn’t seem to be a lot of anti-American bias from my viewpoint. And zero sexual malfunctions. Hey, it was a long time ago, but the memories still warm the cockles, whatever cockles are. Hell, that doesn’t even sound right.

  17. Rick says:

    I don’t see the problem. The planet isn’t running out of people just yet, and even if it were…

  18. oil of dog says:

    1953, Oji Campu (outskirts of Tokyo), all the whorehouses you cared to frequent.

    Shinjuko, Geisha District, Gajin (Round) eyes not welcome

  19. oil of dog says:

    Sorry, Shinjuku.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:


    Strangely though the nastiest, kinkiest porn I’ve seen so far is either German or from the US midwest.

  21. Monkey Man says:

    Those wierd girls in the photo are Ganguro girls. Pretty slutty chicks. If you can’t lay one of those girls, the problem is YOU not them.


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