Max Headroom – Bin Laden: Goal is to bankrupt U.S. – Nov 1, 2004 — Cripes. And they cannot find this guy?

“We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah,” bin Laden said in the transcript.

He said the mujahedeen fighters did the same thing to the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s, “using guerrilla warfare and the war of attrition to fight tyrannical superpowers.”

“We, alongside the mujahedeen, bled Russia for 10 years until it went bankrupt and was forced to withdraw in defeat,” bin Laden said.

He also said al Qaeda has found it “easy for us to provoke and bait this administration.”

  1. BitBass says:

    Seriously John? Wait long enough and everything becomes true. He made this statement over 3 years ago!

    Fits your agenda I guess.

    What about all the other wacky crap he’s said over the years. Fact checking all of that to? No, I guess that DOESN’T fit the agenda.

  2. Thinker says:

    Wow! He’s looking good. 🙂 How much longer? His comments (bin ladens) show how most fundamentalist groups (including one I belonged to) will view everything as the nail hit by their hammer.

    I laughed out loud.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Hurting the US financially is the only feasable way Bin Laden is going to get himself and Al-Qaeda out of the US crosshairs. The best way for him to do this is to keep Iraq destabilized long enough for the US to to lose all patience and withdraw.

    We really do have a good idea where this Bin Laden is and it’s called Northern Pakistan. The Pakistanis have so many fanatics in their own military that Pakistan is on the cusp of a coup and is therefore unable to act. Hence the US proposition to “assist” Musharraf in fighting their homegrown terrorist threats.
    That will never happen, so nothing happens.

  4. Tippis says:

    Well, say what you want, the last time he tried anything, he got a result that by far exceeded his wildest expectations.

  5. ECA says:

    IF’ you think about his claims, Many of them are true.
    Depending on MONEY in a battle, is stupid. You must depend on the warriors.
    The problem is that WE ARENT fighting in Afghanistan(very much), we have GONE where the money is(OIL), IRAQ.
    AND 1/2 our military is being paid as contractor, at about 10 TIMES what our volunteers are paid. AND what are those contractors DOING??

  6. Jeff says:

    He forgot to mention his worldly plain to control the world through sudden climate change, i.e. global warming. It is taken place right now in an ultra secret location, in a cave in Afghanistan where they are using a mechanized device similar to HARP to control the weather. These are the very caves that our former, SoD Donald Rumsfeld talked about when he was making the rounds on the weekend talk circuit.

  7. Angus says:

    I don’t think Bin Laden needs to help. Bush, the Congress, and the Senate are doing a pretty good job doing this themselves.

  8. chuck says:

    The U.S. has been technically bankrupt for about 10 years now.

    Which is worse? To be bankrupt? Or be the guy who loaned money to the bankrupt?

  9. James Hill says:

    Time to close the blog if this is the best you can do.

  10. the answer says:

    You know, you can’t be that smart if you tell your plans to your enemy.

  11. bobbo says:


    #1–BitBass==the impatient American. Must be a typical capitalist hungry for the short game. Always a non-thinker and long term loser.

    #11–Answer==and how smart is the person who fails after the opponents plan is announced and even followed? Actually, like a chess board, if your moves are defined/restricted by rules/inherent nature==yes, a nations fate is pretty well estimatable.

    Did Germany know the Allies would head for Berlin once a beach head was established? I think so.

    Do empires that unilaterally invade foreign lands without the overwhelming support of their own people most often fail? I think so.

  12. domc says:

    #1 – Agenda’s are a good thing.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    I guess American Express, Visa, Citibank and many other financial institutions are just fronts for Al-Qaeda Inc. Bankrupting America by lending money to one citizen at a time.

  14. Adolf says:

    bin Laden bin dead a long time now.

  15. Dallas says:

    So far its working. He spent $10,000 on airline tickets and resulted in Bush pissing off $1 Trillion dollar in no-win war, 7,000 dead Americans and twenty times that many maimed.

    On the other hand, he did create thousands of TSA jobs and we ziplock bags are selling well.

  16. Thomas says:

    So, Bin Laden’s goal is to bankrupt the US. Our goal is the kill him and every one of his buddies until they stop doing shit like: When you resort to retarded women to fight your war, you are on the losing end of that war.

  17. ECA says:

    Which war are we talking about here…
    1 or 2 or BOTH..
    WE ARE paying more for contractors to Truck OIL..AND then the CORP is selling it and the USA ISNT GETTING ANYTHING from it…

    so explain WHAt war we are talking about.

  18. John S says:

    the war on Christmas… and we are winning… yeah!!!

  19. soundwash says:

    come’on John, you should know better than to fall prey to our governments favorite propaganda man. it’s common knowledge we (the CIA etc) help create and train the group/myth and the man, of what is now called al-qaeda years before 9/11. (starting in part with the 1980’s Afghan freedom fighters fighting against russia etc)

    Bin Laden is just a well-off patsi for the US gov. who’s name we invoke along with al-qaeda’s whenever we need to pass related spending or law bills in congress. nothing more nothing less.

    in an interview published in pakistan newspaper September 28, 2001, Binladen denied having any involvement in 9/11. -after that sham video tape of him made on November 9, 2001, (released 12/13/01) you have to be a moron to believe any tape after that is legit

    go look at his FBI most wanted poster. The FBI had yet to find any hard evidence that links bin LAden to the events of 9/11. -they only have him wanted in connection with the 1998 US Embassy bombings in Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi ( there is no mention of 9/11 on it nowhere. -not even to appease the hearts and minds of Americans. he’s just a propaganda machine.

    heck, if you do hard research on all the US terror plots “we stopped” aside from some of them being rather absurd, -you’ll find all them amounted to nothing. -based on faulty data. (if)anyone who was arrested in relation to said terror plots was eventually set free because the evidence did not add up.

    sure there are terrorists, but the whole war on terror thing is just a contrived load of crap it’s a perfect war that can technically never.

    the power to Bankrupt America has always lied solely in the hand of the The Federal Reserve, the shills in congress and white house and of course. the big wigs running (and behind) the world bank.

    if you believe anything bin laden says, you’ve been watching our mass media for way too long. everything that happens with our economy is by design.

    i mean comedo.. -like this recent housing market crap.. can you honestly believe that somehow, ALL the banks in the US just happened to give billions of dollars in loans to people with a history of bad credit in the same time span? -by accident?? give me an f’n break?

    i forgot what the latin term is but the first phrase that come to mind is “who benefits?”

    it’s all by design. -you and i are just tiny pawns in some grand group of ego-maniac’s fk’d up game RISK.


  20. Greg Allen says:

    Bush and the Republicans have already done bin Laden’s job for him.

    Mission Accomplished!

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    Cripes. And they cannot find this guy?

    Shame Osama didn’t have a bad Master Card otherwise they could of found him. 😉



  22. ECA says:

    WHO has cost the USA more money??


  23. dejavuyou says:

    how many of those hairy faced homos does this idiot have to throw away like an old newspaper. someday they’ll wake up and think about how screwed up they’re making kids of that part of the world. At some point something is bound to give but I doubt that with American might it would be us…. God Bless the USA. Forever.

  24. ECA says:

    He only preaches.
    its those that LISTEN, that we worry about.
    He doesnt even TRAIn them, he has others with Better skills train them.
    In our world, it would be called a CULT.
    He doesnt TELL them what to do. OTHERS do.

    And what does he AIM at?
    the Government..
    BECAUSE we BACK the major CORPS, that have invaded his nations for the last 100+ years.

    Where are those corps NOW…Over in IRAQ, stealing the OIL that WAS’ to pay for this war. What is the CORP doing?? Raising prices in the USA. What is the GOV doing?? PAYING the CORPS to STEAL the OIL.. What are the CORPS doing?? SELLINg the oil to OTHER NATIONS insted of useing it IN THE USA…
    corps are being paid 2-3 times, and WHERE is this money coming from??

  25. TIHZ_HO says:

    Ever watch late night Evangelical TV? That is a window into the Islamic version! 😆


  26. Monkey Man says:

    Bin Laden was smart enough to take advantage of a president so stupid he would bankrupt the USA just to chase down a skinny arab with a bad kidney.

    If we had done absolutely nothing after 9/11, Bin Laden’s plans would have failed miserably. Instead we are now with 10 trillion in debt, a budget deficit…again, and the dollar will be worth as much as the Zimbabwe dollar soon.

  27. JimD says:

    Bush told to stop looking for Bin Laden by the Saudis a long time ago !!! Remember how Bush declared Osama “Wanted dead or alive” right after 9/11 and then some time later, after the President of the United States was ORDERED TO SAUDI ARABIA FOR “SECRET TALKS”, and then Bush said “Osama didn’t matter” !!! Bush is a Saudi Benefactor and Quisling in the Oval Office !!! Bush wastes enormous resources having US Troops pounding up and down the mountains and valleys of Afghanistan when they could find Bin Laden INSTANTLY IN SAUDI ARABIA, where he went BEFORE 9/11 !!! The “War on Terrorism” is a FRAUD, AND JUST A RUSE TO ALLOW THE MIL/INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX TO CONTINUE TO ***DRAIN THE US TREASURY*** !!!


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