You’re breaking me!!

WCCO: Florida Toilet Paper Tax Proposed — This is incredible. The worst part of this stupidity are the puns we’ll have to endure.

The Florida Legislature is flush with good ideas. Sen. Al Lawson’s latest involves a way to pay for wastewater treatment and help small towns and counties upgrade their sewer systems.

The Democrat from Tallahassee is proposing a 2-cent-per-roll tax on toilet paper.

“We’ve got 17 million people in this state and all of them can contribute to protecting our underground water supply,” he said.

In a Republican-dominated Legislature that doesn’t like new taxes, the idea could end up in the tank pretty quickly.

Again the Democrats make fools of themselves with stuff like this. They’ll never get back in office. Exactly how stupid can you be?

related link:
Toilet paper facts

via P. Parker

  1. RB says:

    Simply amazing Sh@t !
    What wil they think of next!

  2. Governor Jim Florio tried a toilet paper tax in NJ a decade ago. The end result was a grassroots effort to throw him out of office that got so strong that I’m sure he would have lost to Genghis Khan. He lost to Christine Todd Whitman, instead.

  3. Fábio C. Martins says:

    What those morons don’t get it is that when you don’t hold the office you fight taxes, when you are in office you impose them.
    That’s how democracy works.

  4. Kathy Pearlman says:

    Well, for one thing, it tends to be a bit discriminatory towards the gender which uses more toilet paper…..

  5. g quaglia says:

    I think the idea stinks…

  6. Sean says:


  7. RB says:

    A bunch of stinkers in florida!

  8. Jojo says:

    Make your boss pay. Follwoing in the Abbie Hoffman’s footsteps, Just steal your toilet paper from work.

  9. Ima Fish says:

    I guess I’m in the minority here. I don’t see how democrats are making fools of themselves. Allegedly it costs the state money to remove the toilet paper from waste water. Thus, the state wants to tax toilet paper. There is a need, thus there is a tax.

    Most governments simply tax regardless of need. Like “Use” taxes. I buy a DVD from Japan, it’s shipped to me in my state, I play it in my home, but my state wants 6% merely because I “use” it here?! That makes no sense.

    There is another state which wants to tax music and software downloads. Exactly how does me downloading a song burden a state?! Such a tax makes no sense.

    And of course states want to tax internet use. Once again, how is a state burdened by me using the net?!

    I’ll say it again, IF the use of toilet paper DOES burden the state financially, then I see no problem with a tax on it.


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