The South Carolina Democratic Party broke its own turnout record in Saturday’s presidential primary and eclipsed the number of ballots cast by residents in the Republican primary the week before.

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, more than 532,000 votes had been tabulated in Barack Obama’s commanding victory here. The returns easily eclipsed the 280,000 people who voted in the Democratic primary in 2004.

Last week, about 446,000 voters took part in the Republican primary, which was nearly 120,000 off the record set by the GOP in 2000.


  1. Rick Cain says:

    Democrats always outnumber Republicans, but the Republicans have always managed to convince Democrats that “voting doesn’t matter”. As a result, during the elections the GOP faithful vote like clockwork while Democrats stay home and gripe about the country.

    If only the Dems would put down the crack pipes, marijuana ciggies and TV remotes and do their duty, our country wouldn’t be broke right now.


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