My wife and I went to Orlando for a few days after Xmas and stayed in a very upscale four star hotel. I had seen this report before I left and the first thing I did after checking in was inspect the glasses in the room. They had finger prints and lip prints on them and obviously had only been rinsed out. This is a widespread problem in this country with all the legal and illegal Hispanic hotel maids. I guess they were raised to different standards in their country.
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#165 TIHZ HO
I am glad you enjoyed it.:) I have to say at a certain point I had given up all reasonable means because tthc’s only response to any valid arguments was that everyone was a PC Marxist. How does one respond to such ridiculousness?
#166 J – How does one respond to such ridiculousness?
Can’t do much really – just present your point of view with substantiating facts as others reading this will at least see who the “idiot” is. That’s enough. 🙂
Three Headed Cat’s point of view is that unless you are white of European descent then you are not smart enough to know you are less better off.
THC accused me a withdrawing from the debate into the shadows which is far from the truth.
Opps er…Oops…I better check to see EXACTLY what THC said or s/he will pick on that.
THC likes to swing at the pitcher instead of the ball.
#167 TIHZ HO
Yeah I saw the debate being more about behaviors and intelligence and whether or not you can determine them based on race.
I can totally see how you viewed the debate because tthc made repeated disparaging remarks about Hispanics and other races where economic conditions for the majority are bad.
The real debate was about whether Hispanics were the reason for the dirty glasses in the Hotels. The video showed that women of 3 different races did approximately the same thing in regards to cleanliness. Now if I were TTHC and not hung up on my bigotry toward Hispanics. I would say that women were the cause.
Myself, being a rational reasonable person and realizing that the “maid” is a position that is predominantly women I would lay the blame precisely where it should be right at the feet of the Hotels and management.
the training that housekeepers go through instructs them on how to clean the glasses in the rooms. you are supposed to use the blue chemical-which is glass cleaner to clean the glasses. i know this because i am a housekeeper at the holiday inn. so dont blame the uncleaniness on the the housekeepers’ race or ethnicity blame it on the people who are making the cleaning guidelines. not those that are just doing their job.
this is to all of these ppl that blaming them for the job not being done right its really not their fault the housekeepers are being rushed and told that then cant spend more than a certain amount of time per room sometimes they have 15 rooms to clean all by themselves n the thing is that start work @ lets say 9 am and they want them out before 1 0r 2 pm n the manager is always coming to check up on them to see whats taking them so long he will either yell or snap his fingers at them