Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited — I’m only citing the opening paragraph of this article because the entire article will curdle your blood. These are not a couple of weird neo-cons promoting this. And the specific target appears to be Afghanistan and the apparently out-of-control Helmand Province where NATO is losing a battle. The Russians must be laughing their asses off. And there is general concern about nukes being bought and sold on the open market. This sort of “nukem” thinking is going to increase over time as less and less of the top thinkers have actually witnessed a nuclear explosion. Many old-timers believe that seeing one of these bombs go off during the testing years actually prevented anyone from wanting to use one. Those days are over. What is not discussed is the fact that dropping one of these devices anywhere will result in the collapse of the world’s financial markets. This could be a get-rich quick scheme too if you go short just before detonating the bomb. Read this article

The west must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to halt the “imminent” spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, according to a radical manifesto for a new Nato by five of the wests most senior military officers and strategists.

found by Howard Harawitz

related link:
Last March the Bush administration tells Livermore to update the H-bomb

  1. bruce says:

    #18, Just send a copy of “The Day After” to these planners. Word was when Regan saw it, he was so disturbed by it, that he started increased nuclear talks with the Soviet Union. I know when I first saw it, it scared the hell out of me.

    It’s NATO we’re dealing with, they’re like the UN but without the whimsy. I’d just have them watch Dr. Strangelove, at least it might make them laugh.

  2. ECA says:

    we get 80%+ from Mexico, S. america, Cali, Offshore oil…
    OPEC didnt raise the price…
    THATS MARKET price…After its been sold a few times, BACK and forth, to the SAME companies..
    ITS ALSO, to force the Price up for the OIL, we are pumping in IRAQ, THAT ISNT GETTING BACK HERE.

  3. Thomas says:

    The financial markets fluctuated after the Iraq invasion because Iraq has oil. Thus, there was fear that the supply to the world markets would drop, Afghanistan does not have oil or any appreciable energy supply and thus there is no fear of a drop in energy supplies should they meet their demise. At best, Afghanistan is important to energy supplies because of location. There are plans for a Caspian Sea pipeline which would run through Afghanistan.

    RE: NATO
    The US has considered pulling all of its bases out of NATO on occasion. It would reduce our cost considerably. I believe that one reason it has not happened is due to resistance from the hosting countries. The bases generate quite a bit of local revenue.

  4. jcj7161 says:

    Dvorak FUD as usual

  5. Rick Cain says:

    The problem with any nuclear attack is that the radioactive fallout does not respect borders, so you will end up pissing off nearby allies in the process when their country is blanketed with your radioactive love.

    BTW that nuke photo is the Castle Romeo shot, 3.8 Megatons if I remember right. The good old days when the USA was doing atmospheric tests in the marshall islands. The Marshall islanders weren’t too happy about the forced evictions though.


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