Wherever you turn in Davos, you see the World Economic Forum’s modest motto: “Committed to improving the state of the world.” Well, it needs it. So here’s one practical step: the G8 should be expanded to G14, adding China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Indonesia. Arbitrary? To be sure. Tactless? You bet. Deeply offensive to some important countries not on that list? Obviously – and they will cry havoc, foul and blue murder…

The dangers of climate change, nuclear proliferation, disease and poverty – not to mention the fragile state of globalised capitalism – demand a more credible and representative cast at the annual intergovernmental summit. As Asia rises, it is ever more absurd that the world’s unofficial top table has a seat for Italy but not for China. The current lineup at the world’s official top table, the UN security council, is not very satisfactory either, but it’s also more difficult to change. The G8, by contrast, is a club that can simply decide to invite new members to join…In principle, there’s no reason why this decision could not be taken at the next annual summit, this summer in Japan…

This reformed group of the world’s most powerful and important countries (power and importance being not quite the same thing) should propose collective actions on climate change, world trade, development, energy security, HIV/Aids and Africa – to take a shortlist from Germany’s G8 summit last year. It makes no sense at all to tackle an issue like climate change without the world’s largest growing carbon emitters, China and India, at the table – which is why leaders of five of my six proposed new members were invited to attend part of that meeting, as the so-called “outreach five”. So why not make it official?

Interesting proposal. Asking the heads of these states to act like “leaders” instead of “powers”.

  1. MikeN says:

    Here’s another proposal, drop the G8 entirely. How much jet fuel gets burned going to these annual summits? What do they actually accomplish? How about instead just dropping these excuses to live large off taxpayer money?

  2. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #1 Hear, Hear.

  3. RockOn says:

    #1 Mike
    You don’t understand the rules, that is you pay they play! 🙂

  4. MikeN says:

    And I see Bill Gates is using the forum to denounce capitalism. I’ve now switched sides on the Microsoft anti-trust action.

  5. god says:

    #4 – must worry him a lot.

  6. geofgibson says:

    Instead of ‘collective solutions’ which have never done anything but kill people in the history of humanity, just go home and work on making your own damn country a better place. If all the 8, 14, 42, or whatever, were less concerned with what everybody else was doing, and concentrated on their own backyards, everybody would be better off.

  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    I thought it only went up to G4… Has Motorola come out with a slew of new CPUs?

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – And I see Bill Gates is using the forum to denounce capitalism

    Could I get a citation on that? Because I don’t believe you.

  9. god says:

    #8 – actually, I just read Gates’ statement in Reuters’ coverage of Davos and #4 has his head up his butt as usual.

    How can he hear or see anything?

  10. Joey B says:

    Yea, either disband this crap or make me part of it.

  11. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Ooo, that’s a swell idea. South Africa and Mexico, especially, both have so much to share with the rest of the world.

    We really need input from utterly corrupt, incompetent, violent and xenophobic regimes which couldn’t even survive without the ongoing plunder of natural resources. By all means give them seats at the table.

  12. The 3-Headed Cat™ says:

    Fascinating how a trenchant reminder of reality can bring such a promising thread to a screeching halt…

    I fully expected the PC “Racist! Racist!” brigade to jump in and explain the undeniable wisdom of inviting a plutocratic regime to offer solutions to poverty, or perhaps the merits of asking a government of superstitious, homophobic AIDS-deniers to help forge infectious-disease policies.

    Mr. Batshit? J? JimS? Cat(s) got your respective tongues? 🙂


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