Scotland is considering lobbying the United States to lift a ban on haggis, hoping to boost sales of the sheep-stomach-based national dish.

Wild Haggis

The U.S. banned imports of Scottish haggis after Britain’s outbreak of mad cow disease, which is linked to the human brain illness Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.

Scotland’s government insist its haggis — which usually contains the heart, liver and lungs wrapped inside a sheep’s stomach lining — is safe and wants the ban lifted.

For Hogmany or Burns night, I usually rely on my Canadian kin – or a reliable smuggler in Boston. :)

  1. RTaylor says:

    Damn the haggis, as long as there’s whiskey. You’ve got to love a man that actually wrote a poem about haggis. They do sell an American approved version sans the lungs. Sounds nicer to call it pluck though.

  2. Improbus says:

    Aye, the haggis is in the fire for sure.

  3. Esteban says:

    I really doubt lifting the ban is going to affect demand in the U.S.

  4. @#3: Quite large difference both in the taste (dominated by the above mentioned internal organs used) and, equally important: texture. Interesting cross-cultural tidbit: we have something very similar in Slavic countries. I can find our equivalent in NYC local “Balkanian” store. Maybe those are not banned (or are smuggled) due to the non-British origin. If you like Haggis find local Slavic/Balkans market and describe Haggis… they’ll know the equivalent…

  5. Kevitivity says:

    Nothing like a steaming plate of haggis neeps and tatties!

  6. edwinrogers says:

    #3. wrote… “I never quite understand the big deal about haggis …. how exactly is it different from sausage”. It is traditionally served with boiled potatoes and mashed turnip, followed with a generous malt whisky. It actually tastes better in Scotland, rather like pasta does in Italy, so if you are ever “Roamin’ in the Gloamin'”, do try it.

  7. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Knock yourselves out – dig in!

    I wouldnae touch the stuff at gunpoint, me… Where ye find folk gnawin’ on some poor creechur’s innards, there you’ll find poor peasants what do nae know better. 😛

  8. DaveW says:

    Ah, Scotland. They gave us haggis, golf, whisky, kilts and the bagpipes.

    And we’re at war with Iraq???????????????

  9. edwinrogers says:

    #9 You forgot penicillin, steam trains, telephones, the Loch Ness Monster and Billy Connolly.

  10. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Both ‘o yez forgot Sheena Easton. For that I forgive them haggis and bagpipes both.

  11. echeola says:

    You know those are the parts of the animal that we throw away here in the US. Or we put it in dog food!

  12. Homer says:


  13. Greg Allen says:

    Damn Bush administration: legalized torture; ended of 300+ years of habeas corpus; illegally tapped our phones; … AND NOW THIS.

    I say we impeach.

  14. RSH says:

    Scotland’s contribution to American cuisine is much greater than readily acknowledged. Two words say it all: McDonald and Campbell

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Anybody that BUYS haggis is a nut anyway.

    You have to MAKE it to be sure its got quality ingredients.

    When dealing with organ meats you got to get it in its natual state and THEN cook it.

    The Scots are crazy to be selling pre-made haggis in the first place.



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