1. bb says:

    Exactly my reaction to most sermons!

  2. Rolo says:

    Imagine if a republican did this! He would scoured by the press and be forced to apologize for insulting the MLK ceremony. But not Clinton, all the reporters say is “We have all done this…” I ain’t making this up!

  3. iGlobalWarmer says:

    He was probably up all night with a young plumper…

  4. Clinton is a sick old man that not too long ago had a heart operation.
    They drag him around from place to place to make public appearances
    I’m sure hes not happy about his wife running for president.Probably wants to stay home in his PJ’s read a good book and play catch with the family dog.

  5. Steve-O says:

    My guess is he is dreaming of some chicks blue dress in the White House again.

  6. Exactly my reaction. Amen

  7. From the look of things I doubt thats on his mind anymore.

  8. gox says:

    Bill Clinton is the man.

  9. Pharaoh90 says:

    Being so damn grumpy takes it out of ’em.

  10. Seth says:

    I almost fell asleep too. Speeches suck. This dude Bill once said that ‘brevity is the soul of wit’.

    Why can’t people stand up say some good words and sit the fuck down?

  11. Selvy says:

    Call it just punishment—Bill was known for running off at the mouth to the point even supporters would be looking at their watches and think “Can we wrap this up?”…Now he has to listen to more of the same.

  12. MikeN says:

    No kidding. He got a standing o at the Democrat National Convention when he said ‘in closing’

    The only thing Bill Clinton honors MLK for is his cheating on his wife. If he had been a politician in the 1950s or 60s he’d have been a segregationist just like his mentor Fulbright, who he gave a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Maybe he’d have played a dance to try and move in national politics.
    When he made MLKs birthday a state holiday, he signed at the same time another state holiday for Robert E Lee. And I don’t think Arkansas even counts as Deep South.

    No doubt in my mind he just sees black people as sources of votes and chicks.

  13. Monkey Man says:

    I’ve had day’s like this, where the powerful seductress of sleep just can’t be ignored.

    Frankly its not a big deal. Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger and others have been well known to have nappy times during speeches. Funny to watch though…..I’ve been there Bill!


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