If you are looking for something to depress you concerning the economy, here’s a start. It may be over-the-top, but it does a good job of telling it like it is regarding the credit card companies. There is some information here that will make you sick.

The movie runs about an hour and a half. There is one downloadable version for the iPOD and PSP on the main page here.

found by Macroron

  1. We’d love to get your feedback. We recently started a poll on the Worst / Best Credit Card Companies. Feel free to stop by and give us your opinion.

  2. Ricardo Santos says:

    To think that all this could be legally prevented if congress have not sold out. Why is the interest of credit cards not tought as usury? Why there is no law limiting the maximum limit on interest?

    My guess is that the only solution is a rebolution. When goverment does not have the courage of making things right, its the duty of the people to do so. Even if it means taking out the government. Like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and others did.


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