Police: Grandmother Arrested At McDonald’s Drive-Thru For Not Pulling Car Forward – Orlando News Story – WKMG Orlando — The Clearwater coppers must be proud of this bust. Hey boys, you do know there is real crime in Florida too, right?

A 75-year-old woman was arrested at a Clearwater McDonald’s drive-thru, because police say she wouldn’t pull her car forward.

Authorities said Jean Merola, a grandmother of eight, was arrested for disorderly conduct after she refused an officer’s orders to move her car while she waited for the coffee and fries she ordered at the drive-through window.

Merola said the McDonald’s employees told her to wait there for her food.

Merola was handcuffed behind her back and put in the cruiser.

  1. bobbo says:

    #19–Catshit==right you are. I pledge never to post again without reading the supporting site.

    That said, reading the other links too, the missing evidence is whether or not the cop was in a marked car?

    Seems to me you are interfering with police work (whether or not a crime is in progress) if you block their car from exiting from anywhere.

    Lady was arrested NOT for badmouthing the cop or giving an attitude but rather for not moving her car.

    Does anyone disagree?

  2. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    “Seems to me you are interfering with police work (whether or not a crime is in progress) if you block their car from exiting from anywhere.”

    That’s not as cut-and-dried as you might think. As a general rule, if a cop is 10-7 to eat, during that time he’s just another schmuck in a city-owned vehicle…

  3. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    T_H – No, Mr. Mustard is MIA… I’ve wondered what happened to him m’self.

  4. notalwaysrite says:

    I think if I were her attorney and I am sure she has lawyered up by now. I would be cutting a deal with Burger King. Maybe the cop thought she was the “Hamburgler”

    hehehehe i kill myself

  5. Montgomery Burns the Elder. says:

    #32, bobbo,

    That said, reading the other links too, the missing evidence is whether or not the cop was in a marked car?

    Why should that matter? She is on private property. The cop has no authority to tell her to move.

    Lady was arrested NOT for badmouthing the cop or giving an attitude but rather for not moving her car.

    Again, it doesn’t matter. The manager could ask her to move and if she doesn’t she could be charged with trespassing. Apparently the manager didn’t ask her to move. Besides, the cop was behind her, she couldn’t leave.

  6. Zabu Kiogora says:

    I can imagine the granny being slammed on the hood of a police car with the officer frisking her for weapons and ketchup. No wonder Florida has crime they are busy at Mcdonald’s getting donuts. If she was in DC or Houston she would have been shot 42 times.

  7. anabi says:

    Well every day I get confirmation of what my German wife’s grandmother keeps telling us… she grew up in Nazi Germany and has stated the US today is pretty much the same as prewar Nazi Germany (and Iraq… now Iran gives it some war-time flavor as well).

    And like the Nazis our government(s) use the fact that most people here now will just blindly listen/follow what the authorities say.

    It’s all just “protecting our children” and “saving us from the terrorists”.

    And as she put it if they were gassing Arabs in Gitmo (I’m sure we’re not by the way) we’d probably wouldn’t know or could be convinced as to why that’s “a good thing”.

    Needless to say after enough of these stories and seeing my liberal and anti-government friends turn into zombies in the name of a safe country we’re heading back to Germany…

    Also have to say that I just moved back from China a year ago and frankly both my wife and I agree that you have more personal freedom there than here.

  8. notalwaysrite says:

    anabi, let me show you and your wife where the door is. Ya know if you do not like it here then shut the fuck up and LEAVE!!!!!

  9. bobbo says:

    #37–Monty==in a vacuum, I can almost agree with you. But in reality, and for what a society needs to function, you cannot have law enforcement blocked from serving the public because he was on lunch break or on private property.

    Not hard to imagine a bank robbery down the street and the cop can’t respond because old lady won’t move car.

    I don’t like cops. I don’t like “the system” giving cops the benefit of the doubt time after time. I don’t like the legal system’s bias in support of authority==but, I also don’t like laws/positions/attitudes that make cops ineffective===OTHER INNOCENT PEOPLE GET HURT, when that occurs.

    If he was in a cop car, it only makes the whole situation more clear. In an unmarked car, he only needs to identify himself as a cop to warrant the same result.

    If the lady wanted to comply, the cars could have been moved. Its sad, but if you are willing to be an asshat to a cop, just what is she to anyone else? And that could well be tolerable in most situations, but not when a cop is prevented from his duties.

  10. Montgomery Burns the Elder says:

    #41, bobbo,

    It is not a crime to be an asshole. Yes, common courtesy might have eased the situation but apparently the cop yelled at her first and threatened her.

    Don’t blame her because this cop screwed up. The cop put himself in a position that he had a difficult time getting out of. That is his responsibility. The same as if the cop drove his car into a swamp and got stuck.


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