This clip is amazing since it foretold the story of the Giants-Packers game yesterday. Note that the chances of the Giants winning the SuperBowl is nil. Should be a boring game. This seems to be Boston’s decade. Too bad.

found by John Ligums

  1. Big Blue says:

    First off, the Giants have a chance of beating the pats from their last game of the season, which lead them all the way to the superbowl. Secondly it is the Packers, NOT the Packards. Know your football, then talk about who has a chance of winning, and who doesn’t!!!

  2. MikeN says:

    Not impressive, since a game winning field goal is pretty common.

  3. Esteban says:

    Eddie Murphy at his finest.

  4. JPV says:

    Yeah, real amazing.


  5. klb says:

    The GIANTS are the ONLY team that COULD beat the Patriots. The Cowgirls couldn’t beat Jessica Simpson and she wasn’t even on the field!

    Tom Brady may be the best quarterback there ever was but he still threw THREE interceptions in his last appearance.

    But hey we Giants fans LOVE when turd blossoms like the poster above disrespect our team. It makes us stronger.

  6. Calin says:

    I don’t think the Giants can win the game. But with a 14 point spread, I can’t help but bet on them. They gave the Pats all they could handle in the last meeting.


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