Not sure how to categorize this rolling message board.

Sent in by Ed Campbell

  1. Ima Fish says:

    So I’m guessing that’s one of those new hybrid electric trucks?!

  2. Jim says:

    You should have a tailgaters category.

  3. Ed Campbell says:

    Living in a state where pickup trucks have outnumbered cars for decades, there are lots of us just waiting for hybrid trucks. The 1st generation — this year — will be Ford Ranger size. Nice for suburban gentry.

    The truck in the photo has a 2-300 gallon water tank in the bed, probably for livestock. Plus a workbox and a propane tank. Ain’t gonna fit that in a Ranger. As I explained to a nice Liberal lady — who thought it “quaint” that someone [me] who’s been online for decades owned a pickup truck: “It’s called working for a living.”

  4. T.C. Moore says:

    So is it an advantage or disadvantage that Al Quada does not have a flag (or uniforms, or remorse, or principles to even aspire to)?

    Or does this tailgate only apply to Iraq, cuz I don’t see that qualification, and Howard Zinn has never limited his sentiments in that way.

    I’m fucking confused.

  5. Tango Mike says:

    Any idea of where this picture was taken?

  6. Tomas42064 says:

    Saddam Hussein kills 2 million human beings.
    So we the U.S. go over there and blow up his homeland and kill whatever happens to be under those bombs.
    Islamic terrorist blowup themselves, friends and enemies just to go to heaven.
    Nobody dead won anything.
    I have no blanket big enough to cover that grief.

  7. Pile says:

    Hussein kills 2 million? Where? With What? The evils of Saddam Hussein makes fish stories seem lame. Look at who sold Hussein his “WMDs” moron.

    I have an “I support meaningless jingoistic cliches” bumper sticker on my car.

  8. Ed Campbell says:

    I took the photo in the parking lot of the owner’s employer, here in Santa Fe. I stopped in to ask if he minded if I sent the picture to a website; but, he was out in the field in a company truck [I guess]. His boss said he was certain the owner wouldn’t mind.

    Actually, I wish I had a photo of his older truck, the one he’s been driving for decades. The rear gate of that one is a history of dissent over 15-20 years — in layers. I think he still owns it.

  9. T.C. Moore says:

    It’s a great find, Ed. I like the way you handled it.

    It seems to equate Patriotism with supporting the killing of innocent civilians. And that war should never be undertaken because innocent people inevitably get killed. Both are ridiculous.


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