• No real summary of CES. One scandal did pop up. Very funny. CES now hates bloggers.
  • Asteroid is going to miss Mars. Cripes what was the point?
  • Sprint is going to do Xohm after all. I thought it was dead.
  • Jeff Raikes is out? Why?
  • I go over the Wired Top Ten Trends at CES.

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  1. moss says:

    Like most of the Gizmodo crew – yet another lamer, ego-smitten dork.

  2. Dvorak says:

    It is amazing what nerds think is funny.

  3. James Hill says:

    It’s amazing you took Sprint’s line on Xohm, too.

    I found this year’s CES to be another disappointment across the board. We already know the blogger-journalist crowd is lame. We already know there’s not much more room for growth with big screen TVs (thinner doesn’t matter to the vast majority). We already guessed someone would make an iPhone compatible dildo (because Apple fans love to fuck themselves).

    Was anything announced that’s really “new” or “groundbreaking”? I didn’t see it.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    TV-B-Gone sure is getting lots of publicity.

    Killing the TV’s during a presentation was rather harsh.

  5. ECA says:

    Home networking is going to be based on WIRELESS…
    How many frequencies can you find in your neighborhood??
    How many neighborhood can you PISS OFF.
    remember the OLD joke about the neighbor and HIS remote working his neighbors TV…

    It would be cool to make a NEW convention AREA.
    Party city, as Vegas has changed ALOT.

  6. ECA says:

    what I find HORRIBLE about CES, is the NUB’s that arent over 40, that THINK something is NEW. Then they go home and write up NICE things about OLD tech/Old tech with Added options/OLD tech with new bells and whistles, That ARNT an improvement or NEW idea OR a better WAY to do something.


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