“Why, oh why am I such an asshat?”

Just how arrogant can one chucklehead be without being named Britney or Paris? Is there any law he feels he isn’t above? One thing about him, however, is how many people can you say you’re glad they’ve done what they did because at least it wasn’t another murder?

O.J. Simpson Held on Bail Violation
O.J. Simpson is in custody in Florida on allegations that he violated terms of his release on bail by calling one of his co-defendants in a Las Vegas armed robbery case, a court official said Friday.

Prosecutors allege that Simpson, identifying himself as “Miguel,” telephoned Clarence “C.J.” Stewart on Nov. 16 and expressed frustration with Stewart’s testimony at a preliminary hearing, court spokesman Michael Sommermeyer said.

That was two days after a Las Vegas justice of the peace ruled that Simpson, Stewart and another co-defendant should stand trial on 12 charges, including kidnapping and robbery.

  1. Mister Apeshit says:

    He’s thinking, “I thought what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?!”

  2. SN says:

    That’s insane! The government shouldn’t be allowed to bar co-defendants from talking to each other. How else are they supposed to concoct a plausible defense?!

  3. SparkyOne says:


  4. Improbus says:

    Someone do this guy (and us) a favor and put a bullet in him.


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