While he may never have had anything personally to do with the newsletters, he apparently did know about them and their content, yet allowed his name to be used on them. He doesn’t adequately answer that issue. Remember, they were being printed for ten years.

I personally hope it is all distortions and he doesn’t believe in what was in the newsletters. I like the guy despite disagreeing with a number of his more extreme positions. I like the way he took out after the chuckleheads running against him. I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but there are lingering questions that need to be answered fully.

  1. Aaron says:

    I liked his politics until he was asked if he believed in Evolution. He then started to give a reason why he does not, and how “it could not explain, to his satisfaction, how the earth was made.” !?!?

    WTF PAUL? if you don’t even have a basic education, you’re no better than any of the other clowns running!

  2. Dexton7 says:

    It always struck me as interesting that only a few want to talk about the HUNDREDS of ‘mysterious’ deaths that took place around the Clintons through their numerous scandals… or how Guliani has ties to the Mob and likes to crossdress (sorry, even that is now politically incorrect to mention). Or even how the Bush administration supports the policy of torture just like ole Mr. Hitler and the tyrants of history… But the Media is quick to point out a 10 year old newsletter error that he doesn’t agree with and that slipped past Ron’s attention. Most insteresting indeed. Are we not seeing the big white elephant in the room because we are staring at the shiny TV news? I’ve researched Ron Paul and he’s not perfect, but he’s an absolute angel compared to 99% of the corrupt politicians and mass media pundits.

    I love this blog. =)
    (need a cranky geek for president)

  3. Luther says:

    Oh I get it. He is not a racist because he is against drug laws and since most of “The Blacks” are drug addicts they support him.

  4. RonPaulIsANut says:



  5. OhPhuckOff says:


    How relevant.

    I swear there are bots out there that search for “Ron Paul” and then spew out some nonsense regardless of how it fits into the current discussion.

  6. MikeN says:

    Why all the focus on Paul? If he had come in 3rd in New Hampshire it would make sense, but now talking about him makes as much sense as talking about Mike Gravel or Joe Biden.

  7. Mister Catshit says:

    #6, MikeN

    Simply because Paul has a very vocal and rabid following. Like the rest of the Republican field, he is a wing nut and not a hope.

  8. gregallen says:

    Oh, C’mon. This is absurd. OF COURSE he knew what was in his newsletter.

    They were published for many years, right? And this racist and homophobic crap wasn’t just one little thing that slipped in but an on-going theme, right?

    I can only conclude that Paul is a liar.

    These kind of newsletters were my stock-in-trade for a number of years. While it’s true that the executive didn’t write every word of the newsletter, s/he ALWAYS wrote the rough draft of the main editorial and gave oversight to ALL the article decisions.

    Most significantly, the executive ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS signed off on the final proof before it went to press. Always. Yes, it’s possible that a little something might slip through — but not repeated stuff. Especially not offensive, insulting stuff that he would surely hear about later.

    Seriously, I’ve done HUNDREDS of these kind of newsletters and every single issue the executive signed off on it. Always.

    SO, I can only conclude that Paul is lying.

  9. Aaron says:


    Kind of like the “bots” that support a position/candidate no matter what stupid shit comes from their “leaders” mouth.

    I believe Uncle Dave had questions regarding Ron Paul’s extreme positions. How is mentioning an extreme position he holds irrelevant to the discussion?.. Oh that’s right – because it doesn’t support your position. Go ahead and vote for this guy, but don’t cry about Clinton or Obama for the next four years because you “threw your vote away!”

  10. John Paradox says:

    Dexton7 said, on January 10th, 2008 at 7:34 pm
    I love this blog. =)
    (need a cranky geek for president)

    Sebastian Rupley fan, eh?


  11. natefrog says:

    He’s suspiciously overly defensive.

  12. roxx says:

    uh , like the real problem is that a popular vote is non-exsistent, all this is, is adverstising dollars

  13. Pharaoh90 says:

    Trying to be all things to the strongest voices can make you a little nutty.

    Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be politicians LOL

  14. “It always struck me as interesting that only a few want to talk about the HUNDREDS of ‘mysterious’ deaths that took place around the Clintons through their numerous scandals…”

    That’s because it never happened.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    So with a Paul administrations we would have the same resposibility as Bush.

    The buck no longer stops here is Paul and Bush’s statement.

    That’s the trouble, no one wants to accept responsibility, but they sure like being a ‘leader’.


  16. Dallas says:

    Now you know what Carl Rove has been doing.

    He found someone to help weed out the republican runners early.

    Rove does not want to “dilute” the voters with someone who is “off base” with the GOP agenda.

  17. James Hill says:

    I think it’s cute how naive the Paul supporters are. The simpleton routine is nothing more than an act, and Paul’s end game is to use his “virtual clout” as political capital during the next session.

  18. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – It always struck me as interesting that only a few want to talk about the HUNDREDS of ‘mysterious’ deaths that took place around the Clintons through their numerous scandals…

    That’s because compared to the general population, there are not very many loonbat conspiracy cranks to raise these bogus non-issues.

    #5 – I swear there are bots out there that search for “Ron Paul” and then spew out some nonsense regardless of how it fits into the current discussion.”

    Seems pretty relevant to me. He’s a doctor who doesn’t understand high school science?

    As a product of the 20th Century, I never imagined that in my lifetime I’d have to use evolution as litmus test for president… but this is what we’ve come to…

    We seem to be fighting a futile battle to stave off a second Dark Age being pushed by religious zealots.

  20. Li says:

    The Ron Paul supporters are often good people who want some serious change, and an end to these foolish notions of empire. If Paul managed to do this, it would save millions of lives and perhaps save our country from bankruptcy, though even that seems unlikely at this late hour. As far as single issue voting goes, empire strikes me as a good issue that is vastly more important than evolution, or even racism or homophobia, if he were indeed so encumbered. However, I’ve seen no evidence from the man, personally, that this is true. He is still my favorite on the GOP side, but this is easy when so many of his competition are mobsters (Gulianni) theocratic hucksters (Huckabee, most perfect name ever), seeking the post of king rather than president (Romney in particular, though most R’s seem intent on the unitary executive at this point) or insanely belligerent (‘100 years in Iraq’ McCain). Given a host of looney tunes, we would be so lucky as to have a man like Paul as the candidate, -even if- he holds all of these views himself.

  21. McCullough says:

    #21. Well said, add the fact that he has said repeatedly that his personal religious views have absolutely no bearing on how he would govern. Leaving issues such as abortion to the states, as they should be.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 – I personally don’t have any personal issues with Paul’s character… but he’s a conservative, so he’s ruled out from getting my vote. Even if he would be good for foreign policy, he’d be in a position to appoint Supreme Court Justices, and that’s too great a responsibility to allow anyone on the right to do.

    And I haven’t met a creationist yet that can keep his religion out of policy that impact me directly.

    But when he loses the nomination, I really do hope he runs as an independent. He’s like the anti-Nader, and I want him in the race.

  23. needsomeFreedom says:

    All you people making these posts against Congressman Ron Paul (who appear to be establishment spew-bots) just look up the new H.R. 1955- your abrasive attitude can now put you in the slammer. Just wait ’til they take you away for it! 🙁

  24. McCullough says:

    OFTLO- I think you were backing Richardson at some point. And yet Richardson beleives there may be something to the Roswell UFO conspiracy. At least I know that he called for a a reopening of the investigation and for the government to come clean. So the grey area (no pun intended) exists for you, correct? Why is it so different that Paul may believe in a God, and Bill may believe in extraterrestrials? Li is correct we need to concentrate on the things that matter, Paul has said he wont bring religion into the White House, and thats what matters.

  25. OhPhuckOff says:


    How is that an “extreme” position? Don’t all of the candidate claim to believe in a god? Claiming to be an atheist would be an extreme position.

    This discussion is about Ron Paul and his connection to racist newsletters. What the hell does that have to do with evolution?


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