Watch for cars when wearing headphones!

  1. levi says:

    old iPod. 3rd G i think

  2. dilkry says:

    How did he get iPod earpods so long? The ones that I can find barely allow me to put my device in my coat pocket.

  3. Ward says:

    Hey, isn’t that Kevin Rose? (Kidding)

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #3 – No that’s Justin Long the “Mac Guy”.

  5. Personality says:

    That is just too funny

  6. Jetfire says:

    I thought it was going tell you to watch out for the RIAA or Sony’s DRM free MP3s

  7. AdmFubar says:

    wait……… watch for cars when wearing headphones??? what did he do??? stick them in his eyes???
    may i also add, listen for vehicles when wearing sunglasses..
    headphones………. hhmmmm

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    No napping in chalk outlines???

  9. Gareth says:

    Thats photoshop for sure, the white doesnt darken in the dark areas. Plus the line goes into the wrong place on the iPod and doesnt have the cover on the end.

    agree with #7, stupid advert.
    #4 thats not justin long.

  10. Steve Jibs says:

    #9 Your deductive prowess amazes me.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    He fell asleep after listening to the audio version of one of Al Gore’s books.

  12. Rakarich says:

    Did ads like this run when the Walkman came out? Silly ad.

  13. zybch says:

    SHeesh. I WISH iPod earbuds all had cords that long!
    I’m forever snagging mine and ripping the buds out of my ears painfully when the too-tight cord gets caught on something!

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #9 – wink-wink-nudge-nudge


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