The feared recession in the US economy has already arrived, according to a report from Merrill Lynch. It said that Friday’s employment report, which sent shares tumbling worldwide, confirmed that the US is in the first month of a recession…

An official ruling on whether the US is in recession is made by the National Bureau of Economic Research, but this decision may not come for two years…

It bases its assessment on final figures on employment, personal income, industrial production and sales activity in the manufacturing and retail sectors…

Merrill also objected to the use of euphemistic terms for the state of the economy.

“To say that the backdrop is ‘recession like’ is akin to an obstetrician telling a woman that she is ‘sort of pregnant'”.

Another aspect of the discussion – predictably – is the “I’m all right, Jack” crowd – who really don’t give a damn about anyone else, anyway.

  1. jeff says:

    You people say we are Bush hatters and we want to make stuff up to futher hate him. If you understand those words that dont exist or half the stuttering that comes from his mouth, maybe your a puppet to him as he is to his oil friends. Three words OIL, OIL, OIL. Why is spending low….hm…de-de-de. PRICES ARE HIGH>>>Why you ask….de-de-de…Funding Bushs neverending good for nothing War over invented stuff like…weapons of mass destruction? Oh they wernt there by the way. Are you so blind to think that the world is full of flowers and that jackass sits atop of one. This isnt the 70s. Bush and his cronnies have done nothing but ruin us, rob us blind…..did i say Blind…, and tell us how strong we are…..haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    One thing ive learned, is that they are all crooks…….just vote for the one that wants to share a little of their stolen treasure.

    Why are we in a recession………..which by the way….WE ARE DIP@#$*>>>>>>>>>

    Do grt on “Bushs back and ask”

  2. jeff says:

    Instead of buring that holier than thou head in the sand or up the person your “not so fond of”s ass, why dont you answer some of these questions people have asked. Your the blind one. We have eyes wide open to what weve been shown; and thats BULLSHIT. Its not hate, its utter dissapointments of false promises, false svision of our economy, and too much stuttering.


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