A firm that’s already a humorous topic in NYC

Two men wheeled a dead man through the streets in an office chair to a check-cashing store and tried to cash his Social Security check before being arrested on fraud charges, police said.

David J. Dalaia and James O’Hare pushed Virgilio Cintron’s body from the Manhattan apartment that O’Hare and Cintron shared to Pay-O-Matic, about a block away, spokesman Paul Browne said witnesses told police…

A police detective who was having lunch at a restaurant next to the check-cashing store noticed a crowd forming around Cintron’s body, and “it’s immediately apparent to him that Cintron is dead,” Browne said.

The detective called uniformed New York Police Department officers at a nearby precinct. Emergency medical technicians arrived as O’Hare and Dalaia were preparing to wheel Cintron’s body into the check-cashing store, Browne said. Police arrested Dalaia and O’Hare there, he said.

Admittedly, the staff of something called Pay-O-Matic might not have noticed anything out of the ordinary.

  1. cheese says:

    Note to losers David and James:

    “Weekend at Bernie’s” was fiction.

    Bad ideas become apparent when sober.

    Cops don’t their apatites ruined by the smell of a dead guy in the morning. You owe someone a new bag of doughnuts.

    Don’t buy anything from a Spammer, either.

  2. saviourlisa says:

    well that sounds like something they’d do in Memphis.
    What is this world coming to?

  3. AdmFubar says:

    i think it was creative… just not very……

  4. Rich says:

    Cheese beat me to the “Weekend” reference. I don’t know what to say now. Wait- yes I do. These guys aren’t dumb- they just took a risk and it didn’t pay off.

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