An exclusive look at the new TV display technologies showing at CES… An interview with guru Robert Heron.

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  1. ECA says:

    1. and NO warrenty beyond 5 years.
    2. MOSt wont last 5 tears.
    4. That other format LCD(Lcos?) was SUPPOSED to be cheaper and faster, but is only going to Medical..
    5 Tenth generation…Im sorry for all those thet got there LCD/Plasma’s 2-3+ years ago.

  2. Pharaoh90 says:

    CRT forever baby!

  3. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:

    My big shock upon buying an LCD tv:

    The suckers are HOT. My 42″ keeps my bedroom 15 degrees hotter than any other part of the house when I’m watching it.

  4. Improbus says:

    This may be the year I buy a flat panel TV. I must say that if my new 24 inch flat panel computer monitor is any indication I am going to love an even more enbiggened (I know its not a word) flat panel 1080P TV. W00t!

  5. GregA says:


    If you look at how a LCD works, it has to shine light through a nearly opaque piece of glass (because of two polarizing layers set perpendicular to each other) so the back light has to be really really bright, and still because the LCD is a filter, it blocks all the wavelengths of light it doesn’t use. That means lots of heat, and also you will notice that your really big LCD’s use as much or more current than a similarly sized CRT. Although 42″ CRTs are hugely impractical…

    Thats part of the reason for the fuss about OLED, because the screen is a bunch of little LED’s (little lights) rather than LCD circuits(color filters, plus polarizing layers, plus a big back light).

    In another year or two there will be a market for TV repair again as $1000+ tv’s start burning out their back lights, and I don’t see people chucking out their multi-thousand dollar TV’s just because the back light or back light circuit burnt out.

    As I understand, plasmas are even worse, as the whole screen eventually burns out.

    On the other hand, some guy in Finland was able to manufacture simple CRT’s in his garage with a blow torch and a vacuum pump.

  6. GregA says:


    If you look at how a LCD works, it has to shine light through a nearly opaque piece of glass (because of two polarizing layers set perpendicular to each other) so the back light has to be really really bright, and still because the LCD is a filter, it blocks all the wavelengths of light it doesn’t use. That means lots of heat, and also you will notice that your really big LCD’s use as much or more current than a similarly sized CRT. Although 42″ CRTs are hugely impractical…

    Thats part of the reason for the fuss about OLED, because the screen is a bunch of little LED’s (little lights) rather than LCD circuits(color filters, plus polarizing layers, plus a big back light).

    In another year or two there will be a market for TV repair again as $1000+ tv’s start burning out their back lights, and I don’t see people chucking out their multi-thousand dollar TV’s just because the back light or back light circuit burnt out.

    As I understand, plasmas are even worse, as the whole screen eventually burns out.

    On the other hand, some guy in Finland was able to manufacture simple CRT’s in his garage with a blow torch and a vacuum pump.

  7. edwinrogers says:

    OLED is the most promising in my humble opinion. Why this is taking so long to come to the market, is a mystery.

  8. Improbus says:

    OLED will be great in 5 years. I am not going to wait that long.


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