The British comedic duo of John Bird and John Fortune explain in a humorous, and accurate, way the financial market and the sub-prime mess.

  1. Esteban says:

    I’m amazed at how much comedy you can get out of turning industry jargon into plain English.

    It’s certainly worked for Scott Adams and even John C. Dvorak.

  2. JoaoPT says:

    We all need that…
    Tell me… have you ever understood this sub-prime thing before? Me neither. These blokes made it plain and simple to me…

  3. Awake says:

    Moral of the story:

    The poor unemployed black man in Alabama gets screwed again, while the powerful get to keep their ill gotten gains.

    Look in the mirror… you are probably some version of that poor black man in Alabama getting screwed again.

  4. Jack Flanders says:

    LOL funny! I the UBMASSL (unemployed black man in Alabama with a string shirt) hedge fund is hilarious.

    Yes, the people who got SUPER greedy (re: S&L) will get the U.S. tax payers to pick up the damage…while the individuals at the bottom loose their houses, the street investors loose their 401K/pensions and the Wall Street executives get their required $5 million bonus for their brilliance.


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