• Huge storm hits Bay Area.
  • Warner goes with Blu-ray.
  • Intel and OLPC getting into a fight. Funny stuff.
  • Sony BMG putting songs on Amazon.
  • Slingbox goes HD and sends to the Blackberry too.
  • Sony adding Skype to PSP.
  • Xbox up to 17.7 million.
  • Intel thinking of going back once again into consumer electronics.
  • 787 jetliner vulnerable to hacker attack?
  • Look for a WiFi virus too.
  • My bitch about Yahoo included.

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  1. emailcity says:

    “Back and forth”?! What the heck are you talking about? The high-def disc format war is OVER! Blu-ray has outsold HD DVD all year long. Every single week.

    Why can’t any of you clowns in the industry (on TWiT or here, or DL.TV, or that Enderle idiot) ever get this story right?

  2. Kent says:

    John, when you install the Yahoo messenger, you need to click on the Custom Install to unselect all of those unwanted add-ons.

  3. zybch says:

    John, you DOLT, you installed yahoo!!
    What were you thinking, or were you drunk or stoned or something.
    Besides, the superior Live Messenger can be used to chat with the sad losers who have yahoo.

  4. James Orlowski says:

    I like the Yahoo toolbar. It’s unobtrusive, and adds useful functionality with it’s highly customizable buttons.

    I can’t live without the bookmarks button.

    It’s the Google toolbar I’d be uneasy about. I mean, how much information do you really want Google to have? They have too much as it is now.

    With the exception of Google Earth and Picasa, I rarely use any Google services.

    And I’m surviving quite well, thank you.

  5. GregA says:


    CONGRATS!!! You bought the laserdisk of this generation. They both lost, three years on and both formats are still a tiny niche compared to DVD(which is being killed of by downloads…).

    With 76% reporting, it is an upset. HD downloads are replacing both formats, and Warner is taking a notably last gen approach reminiscent of the Music industries futile and vane attempt to stop music downloads.

    Gosh, the last HD movie I downloaded took almost an hour and a half to download… Oh wait, that is almost enough to stream.

    In the week coming up expect more viral stories about the immanent doom of the internet because people are (ohe noes!) downloading multi-gig movies…

  6. Zac says:

    I thought anyone who’s not an idiot uses Pidgin for instant messaging: http://www.pidgin.im/

  7. GregA says:


    I donno, once I started using my phone to IM… I never really looked back…

  8. RMR says:

    In regards to the Yahoo stealth install, the trend lately seems to be the moto, “slience implies consent”.

    You have to select the custom install to unselect all the additional crap.

  9. OmegaMan says:

    The install of Messenger is subtle, like the previous poster said, you have to go to custom, but they have two levels of checks. One you can see before the custom page and then others along with it.

    My wife will install things and always use the default and end up with multiple add-ons…grrr there should be a law about installing only the application which you target.

  10. Eideard says:

    Latest stats on the HDDVD v Blu-Ray front:


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