Yeah, it’s a slow news day.
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Ever since the repeal of Prohibition, alcohol laws in this country have been a bit nutty.
Take the business of bars. Some states mandate sitting, while others require standing at the bar to drink. Texans may take up to but not more than three sips of beer while standing. Some jurisdictions require the interior of public drinking establishments to be visible from the street; others specifically prohibit that.
In Iowa it’s illegal to run a tab. And don’t even think of having a drop after closing hours there – not even if you own the bar. It’s hard to imagine the incident that led to Iowa’s law stating that if an employee pours water down the drain while a police officer is drinking at the bar, the water is considered an alcoholic beverage intended for unlawful purposes.
Bars and restaurants in North Dakota are forbidden to serve beer and pretzels at the same time. Nebraska bars may not sell beer except when simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
This is what happens when the goons are drunk on power. Here is one I found googling “strange laws”
In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman’s genitals but is forbidden from looking directly at them during the examination; he may only see their reflection in a mirror.
Ah, humanity. (_)0
Politicians and booze. Is it really any wonder? They also get laws governing sex totally fouled up. Politicians are probably the second worse judges of what’s right and wrong, concerning booze and sex (First worse are convicts in prison). And they have little more genuine concern over morality issues, than the first. It’s all about whatever gets them reelected.
When I was in Idaho, one summer, they had a law that chocolate ice cream could not be sold on a Sunday. But you could still buy vanilla ice cream with a chocolate syrup topping. I don’t know what sin of gluttony they were hoping to prevent, be stopping the sale of only one flavor of ice cream, once a week. The Mormons must of lobbyed for that one.
Politicians and booze
Some are experts. Just ask Ted Kennedy.
I see many weird laws come through email’s and web sites. How do I know they are real laws? Nobody seems to provide proof by stating the statute numbers or their references.
I could easily make up laws and post them like this and everyone would believe it.