- Blu-Ray website hacked by HD-DVD fanboys.
- Russian GPS Sat system now finished. Everyone thinks the USA employs trickery.
- Apple worried about people listening to music at too high a level. I predict a huge lawsuit over this eventually. Expect class action suit over deafness.
- IBM licensing its newest technology to China.
- I reprise the IDG list of best or coolest items from 2007.
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Everything thinks the USA employs trickery
“All Thinks Your USA Employs Trickery By Us.”
Got to be an asian based conspiracy theory game.
The only thing Apple will do is stick a EULA in the iPod. That comes up when you try to play it too loud, for too long. And agreeing to exceed the “safe level”, automatically gets Apple off the hook. I can’t see any law suit succeeding, when the Tobacco and Firearms industries have managed to survive them for so long. And their products are deadly, by normal use. No one died because the guns were turned up too loud!
Just because we run the world is no reason to get pissy.