Do I get a trophy?

IT Professionals Association of America, Inc

The Information Technology Professionals Association of America (ITPAA), an advocacy group based in Wilmington, Delaware representing professionals in the high-tech field has handed out its first Weasel Award of 2005 to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D – NY). The organization, representing over 1,200 IT professionals nationwide, presents this award to business and political leaders that it believes betrays the trust of the American people.

Scott Kirwin, founder of the organization, states, “We are tired of Democrats pretending they care about the problems facing average Americans. Senator Clinton’s actions prove they clearly do not.”

  1. Robert Blanchette says:

    Senator Clinton knows where the money comes from. And it’s certainly not from unemployed computer geeks.

    The problem goes far beyond IT as well. Look at how many “American” cars are built from foreign parts or are built in Mexico. Finding something made in America to buy anymore is an exercise in futility. Unfortunately, neither political party is willing to forego large campaign donations and perks in exchange for protecting American jobs. They all talk a good game during election years but they forget their promises on November 3.


  2. Swami Atma says:

    Hi John,

    Since this morning, there is a broken icon on this story instead of the photo

  3. yorkpaddy says:

    Your coverage of immigration, outsourcing, and H1-b’s is verging on racism. I’m not one to throw that word around lightly. The way you scapegoat races and not underlying problems is interesting.

    I don’t like any politician being influenced by special interests, much less foreign special interests. I’m not a fan of Hillary either.

  4. Jim says:

    The Clintons care. What else is new? More from the India is going to save America crowd. Move to India, India is just great. Your job is moving to India for political reasons. The United States still has the best technology and more consumer spending. India has a great deal to offer, they just don’t have our standard of living. I guess the plan is to lower our standard of living, so these other countries feel better about their crappy economies and lousy technology. More people would rather leave India and come here, than the other way around. I guess some people figure India sucks and they are the Indians. Sen. Hillary is going to make India better for the Americans who voted for her. Good luck New York, if that’s what you want for your money. All politics is local. I guess India is local now, for New York.

  5. site admin says:

    To Yorkpaddy — I harp on the underlying problem: corrupt or sold out politicians. This piece is about Hillary isn’t it? How is that racism? Nice try. And I’m a supporter of Indian programmers — who are US Citizens. And I’m a supporter of Mexican workers, who are here legally and pay their taxes. So how is that racism? Seriously. How? I’m always sickened by this sort of comment, especially during a time of crises. Besides all these folks are caucasian or are you using racism to refer to the 1920’s concepts where the Irish are a race and the Germans are a race and on and on. That way everything can be labelled racism. That seems to be todays model. Call something racism to end the debate, rather than pay any attention to the crises.

  6. Jim says:

    India is real low on my list of national problems. I ain’t got nothing against India, but we have our own national problems India won’t solve. I guess Sen. Clinton and President Clinton want to get India all fixed up. If that’s what they want to do, you can’t stop them. I’m not worried about India myself and I don’t think India will solve any of our nations problems. India has problems too. This is like trying to fix things in Iraq and you end up with 10 more problems than you had before and the government spends billions more that it doesn’t have. Maybe we’ll be borrowing from the banks in India after all our banks move offshore or to India. I find the Clintons humorous, perhaps they are dangerous. They seem to be working for the solutions in India. Look forward to more books about how we need India and saving the global village and all of that. I don’t care. Good luck India, these people can’t manage the truth.

  7. Jim says:

    The racism card gets played again here by yorkpaddy. Ima Fish used this before and brought Rosa Parks into it about the witchs in Virginia and the wiccans. People with a sideshow or crackpot agenda always go for the race card. It’s a way to make it about something other than the actual subject. I’m sure John wasn’t even considering race. He busts the chops of all kinds of white folks here, when they are deserving of it. Usually the racists are the people who start accusing others of being racists or using racism. Then the whole issue becomes a meaningless debate about race. When it comes to business, I think green. I just ignore Ima Fish now and now I’ll ignore yorkpaddy. Race baiting won’t get you far.

  8. Pat says:

    After having read and done some research about Hillary Clinton’s comments in India, I think Scott Irwin had better see his Physician about changing his medication. Clinton’s comments were to the effect that OUTSOURCING is part and parcel of 1) opening up the world to free trade, and 2) what Capitalism (or free enterprise) is all about.

    Although outsourcing has been with us for a long time, it has only been in the last four years that it has become an IT problem. And guess who controls both houses of Congress and the White House?

    Now I don’t remember hearing Scott Irwin complain when the South Carolina or Rhode Island textile mills closed due to the importing of clothing from Honduras or the Philippines. I can’t remember his voice being raised when all the steel mills started shutting down because of dumping by Brazil, South Korea, and Russia. And I just wonder where the computer Irwin uses in his job was actually made.

    The problem isn’t with Hillary Clinton. Being in the minority party there is extremely little she could do anyway. The problem is with large corporate executives enriching themselves. Their short term vision to sell off tomorrow has put us in the position the U.S. is in today. The problem is with voters who vote with their heart on a single issue instead of learning all the issues. The problem is with everyone of us that shopped at Walmart because their imported clothes are cheaper, or drive a foreign car because it is chic, or don’t become upset when the computer help line voice cannot be understood.

    Have a nice day and Scott, get a life.

  9. yorkpaddy says:

    I don’t think I was race baiting. I’m not a member of the ACLU, or even a liberal. It wasn’t meant as a personal attack either, just an observation on the pattern of coverage. I don’t deny that immigration, and outsourcing are concerning issues.

    It didn’t seem to me as racism in the form of “I hate brown people”. It seemed to be the more subtle, we are losing jobs, “Look at these countries, they are taking our jobs”. Maybe racism wasn’t the proper term for that. I don’t enjoy the fact either, but I don’t know what legislation could be enacted to change the gross in equality of costs between the countries. It is so much cheaper to do some types of business in other countries, I don’t know how we could expect anyone to do them here. Blaming those countries instead of looking at what makes our costs higher seems like an easy way out to me.

    In the case of mexico, I really don’t have a problem blaming that goverment. They do seem to strongly support the weak border, and immigration into this country.


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