Yes, the headline is bogus. But wouldn’t this actually be what happened if they could indeed catch the guy. He’s an illegal alien. Keeps breaking into homes. Scares kids with threats. He’s a terrorist.

  1. edwinrogers says:

    Makes sense to me.

  2. edwinrogers says:

    And he’s got a beard. Definitely, a suspicious character.

  3. moss says:

    Maybe he could sell his list to the Feds. You know. Who’s naughty and who’s nice.

    Use a trusted intermediary – like AT&T.

  4. edwinrogers says:

    #3. You and I, gotta get jobs in Government.

  5. Adam says:

    Yeah… I could see this happening. But then again, does Bush really want to mess with Christmas, ESPECIALLY going into an election year where the GOP is the major underdog?

    Oh wait.. With the shutdown of the FEC and the completely hackable electronic voting machines, they just plan to steal the elections.

  6. OvenMaster says:

    I actually found this concept gut-busting funny… until I realized that it could happen, given the climate inside the Beltway.

    Merry Christmas to all, nevertheless.

  7. DeLeMa says:

    #5 –
    “Oh wait.. With the shutdown of the FEC and the completely hackable electronic voting machines, they just plan to steal the elections. ” _ Again_

    Besides, I’ve always believed GWB acted as if he was completely immune to any criticism or repercussions from his actions..he gets laws passed to make sure he doesn’t have to worry. Amazing what happens when Gawd is on your side…and everyone else is afraid to mention you aren’t wearing any clothes..

  8. JPV says:


  9. bac says:

    Nice Coca-Cola ad. How much did DU get for the ad?

    Just kidding…. Have a Coke and a smile.

    Merry Winter Solstice Season

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Naw. Santa has a work visa. And breaking and entering, thru the chimney, is in his job description. And reindeer are an endangered species (aren’t they?).

  11. George W Bush says:

    All I got from Santa is a lump of coal this year…
    I hope he enjoys Guantanamo in the summer…

  12. Janky-o says:

    Crucify! Crucify!

    Oh. Wrong article.

  13. Mister Catshit says:


    Santa willingly works on the birthday of our Lord “Hey Zeus”, so he must be an atheist.


    Santa is an astute businessman. He has all his operations off-shore, uses only slave and child labor, and manages to pay no tax. Nah, that exonerates him.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    He’s white and old, he won’t be sent to that dreadful place

  15. tg says:

    Okay, some of it’s arguable. One thing isn’t: illegal alien.
    The other inarguable (legally speakin’) thing, didn’t get mentioned, and definitely against the new antiterrist (police state) laws, is: gives aid/comfort to terrists.



  16. Kaptain Hook says:

    He enters even the most securely protected house, knows who is naughty or nice, flies through the air in a craft that is undetected, has his offices offshore, has complete federal immunity, supports the coal industry.
    I dunno, sounds an awful lot like a secret federal agency to me.

  17. Rabble Rouser says:

    Santa in Gitmo… Sounds good to me. After all, Santa is an anagram for SATAN!

  18. Matt Garrett says:

    And sometimes, DV, you’re an idiot.

  19. SANTA CLAWS says:


  20. BubbaRay says:

    November 1SANTA, Newark approach, are you declaring an emergency? Squawk seven seven zero zero and ident, over.

    Why Santa was forced by the FAA to equip the sleigh with a transponder and comm system:


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