Sooo, who’s the fastest one-handed clapper?

  1. Robert S Hedin says:

    He developed that skill spanking the monkey. In another video, he demonstrates how to change hands and gain a stroke.

  2. Jopa says:

    Amazing what people do in their spare time.
    Very cool

  3. Rich says:

    He’s famous now. And to think all this time I’ve been practicing fapping instead.

  4. Mark says:

    He should start a band with that johnny bad fingers dude that snaps. I could do the drumming for them if i learned how.

  5. AdmFubar says:

    yeah put a few clappers on lights in his house and it looks like a disco….

  6. hhopper says:


  7. ECA says:

    Clap on
    clap off….
    ONE confused SWITCH.

  8. Steve says:

    Ain’t it funny how fast clapping sounds exactly like slow farting ?

  9. bobbo says:

    I’m suspicious. Only watched it once but his elbows were below the screen shot leaving room for artificial fake hands doing that clapping!!!!

    I can’t do it, so its obviously fake.

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I only counted 8 claps per second. I liked the way he got into the zone, sort of Zen like Nirvanna. I applaud his attempt.

  11. Hans says:

    Uncle Dave asked who is the fasted one-handed clapper (as in using only one hand to clap).

    That might be me. I manage about four claps a second at peak speed. Unable to maintain that for longer than 10 second though.

    How do I clap with one hand? When I relax the muscles in my fingers enough (I can only do this with my right hand) , keep my wrist straight and then move my entire lower arm fast left-and-right, my finger slap against the palm of my hand, making a clapping sound.

    Yeah, you must be pretty bored to try…

    DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, if you cannot relax your muscles sufficiently, you may cause temporary damage to your muscles.

    No, I will not make video of this.

  12. RickCain says:

    That guy has nothing on the hand fart dude, who can play Iron Maiden’s “The Trooper” with his hand squeezes.
    He’s called the Manualist, and its mind boggling.


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