Gaffney Ledger – December 21, 2007

Two of Cherokee County’s animal welfare organizations joined forces Dec. 15, to make a Christmas miracle for local unwanted puppies and kittens, taking them to Michigan where they will be adopted.

Judy Wyles, founder of Project Zero, a local limited-entry pet rescue, is a member of, an online message board for people and organizations all over the U.S. and Canada who want to save lives and stop animal cruelty. Judy read a call for Southern puppies and kittens from one of the board’s administrators, Shari Wilcox, who volunteers weekly for her local Humane Society of Huron Valley. Shari had been given the go-ahead by shelter management to bring puppies and kittens between 8 and 12 weeks of age which were also healthy and adoptable into their facility.

  1. Eideard says:

    Folks have been running a similar project for the holidaze – down in Albuquerque. And were able to report by last night that every one of approximately 500 dogs and cats were adopted.

  2. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    I think there’s some solution out there waiting to be discovered, leveraging the Interwebitubes to increase the exposure of adoptable critters to prospective adopters beyond the limits of geographic convenience… A lot more animals would be adopted than at present if they had more prospective adopters looking at them. Why should an animal be put down in City A when someone in nearby City B would have them, if they only knew?

    You know what I’m trying to say… I think. 😛

  3. BubbaRay says:

    Once again, SN has made my holiday with his fabulous photos on several new articles. I’d like to return the favor with this link to the “CM Pin-Up of the Day for Christmas Eve:”,3161.0.html

    Kudos to Judy Wyles and Shari Wilcox for saving those pets.

  4. hhopper says:

    Not bad BubbRay, not bad at all. Actually, good, really good.

  5. SN says:

    We have a ““CM Pin-Up of the Day” and I was never informed?! How did I not get that memo?!


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