AHN News – December 17, 2007:

Larry Bourbonnais, 54, who got shot during the incident, was escorted out of the church Sunday, shouting “I took a bullet for this church.”

The church’s Rev. Brady Boyd said Bourbonnais refused attempts from the church to meet with him. They claimed that he contributed to the traumatic event by handling situation the way he did.

“I appreciate he took the initiative (to stop Murray),” the Rocky Mountain News quoted Boyd, “but his actions last week probably did more to harm the process than help it.”

  1. davyD says:

    i thought jesus said “forgive and forget”!

    sheesh…the guy atleast tried to help.

  2. rectagon says:

    He was removed from one meeting… “kicked out” that does not make.

  3. Les says:


  4. Cherry Red says:


  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    Which cheek are Christians supposed to turn? 😉


  6. SN says:

    2. “He was removed from one meeting… “kicked out” that does not make.”

    God, read the link before mashing the keyboard. The article said he was “ousted.” That’s not much different from being “kicked out.” Either way he’s no longer welcome in the church.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    >> davyD said, on December 18th, 2007 at 5:59 pm
    i thought jesus said “forgive and forget”!

    I don’t remember reading that in the bible… but he said similar things.

    This does, indeed, seem un-Christian as reported in this blog. But…

    The original doesn’t specifically say what he was doing to get himself “ejected” except to describe it as was “aggressive and dangerous behavior”.

    If he was endangering others he probably needed to be removed from there. That’s reasonable.

    I suspect that this guy — and the whole church collectively — is suffering PTSD. They probably all deserve to be cut a break.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    Any bets on that this reverend has a meth problem as well?

  9. Shubee says:

    A member of the New Life Church, one of the sites of Matthew Murray’s shooting rampage, was ejected for displaying aggressive and dangerous behavior. The man apparently threatened to contribute to the violent scene as he called for a weapon with the intention of shooting Murray.

    The guy that was crying out for a gun so that he could shoot the lunatic that was shooting up the place may have been too aggressive. That’s a reasonable interpretation. Also perhaps that aggressive church member, taking a bullet, really did appease the anger of the lunatic. Why is that interpretation unreasonable?

    I know that many “Christian” churches are very eager to punish victims.


  10. SJP says:

    Look at today’s blogs. Has Dvorak sold out to National Inquirer. This site is starting to remind me of The Screen Savers after 11/11. Jesus?! WTF happened?!!!

  11. Sean H says:

    I never get it when Christians say “We were tested”, “Or today was a test of our faith”.

    If God supposedly gave man free-will, how could he put people through a “test”, by forcing a crazy to go in and shoot up the place?

  12. Stu Mulne says:

    I have no idea of the facts, but I’ll speak anyway…. 🙂

    It appears that this guy tried to talk the Assam girl out of her gun. I don’t know whether he thought he had a better shot, or was just planning on being more aggressive, or what.

    It just didn’t sound right to me….

    And, to vent just a little, the Assam girl was a VOLUNTEER security person with a Concealed Carry license. Just like anybody else. She has a Police background, but is not currently employed in that capacity, or as a Security Officer. An average armed citizen. The media is downplaying that….

    Here in OH you have to jump through all kinds of legal hoops to carry in a Church or Synagogue. Free fire zones work so very well….



  13. the answer says:

    $10 says he “gives the bullet back to the church”

    …With interest *Bang bang bang*

  14. Steve-O says:

    #12 Stu – You don’t have to jump through any hoops to carry in a church or place of worship. If you have a concealed carry permit (I have two) all you need is the church’s permission.

  15. Matt Garrett says:

    Glad I don’t go to that church!

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    #15, Matt,

    Considering that they have over 10,000 members your odds of being hit are relatively minimal. Well, let’s just say, there are a lot of other targets to share the risk with.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    # 11 Sean H I never get it when Christians say “We were tested”, “Or today was a test of our faith”.
    If God supposedly gave man free-will, how could he put people through a “test”, by forcing a crazy to go in and shoot up the place?

    I suppose most everybody spotted the flaw in your premise but I’ll speak to it anyway.

    It’s the “by forcing assumption. Most Christian would not believe that God forced him to shoot up the church. He too probably had free will.

    Mostly, we Christians believe that tests of faith or integrity come our way — but are not forced by God.

    That being said, I concede that this view is somewhat at odds with a few bible stories where God is said to tempt people. That’s one of the many passages that we tend to skip by!

  18. GBS says:

    This sure seems like one of those things where the whole story isn’t explained, just the sensationalized highlights. I’m sure a fuller explanation would make things make more sense.

  19. endbradley says:

    Larry is a distant relative (moms cousin) so I have been following this. Although I cant prove it on a discussion board, I know this is Larry’s son-in-law, so it cleared up some unanswered questions for me. Hope it does the same for those who are interested.


    Tobias7269 wrote:
    I am larry’s son-in-law. I have been there through all of this and I as a person and a member of the family am outraged with the way NLC handled this. Instead of calling him him at some point in time throughout the week and saying “Hey Larry can you sit this one out” they did nothing until Sunday moring. How do I know this you ask per his request I had the mans phone the whole entire week. I have feilded calls from the media, his friends and family. Oddly enough I go through my notes and nothing from new life. I destincly remember make several calls to new life so Larry could talk to someone in the leadership. Not once did any of our messages get returned.

    Monday night he went to the church and was acosted by a deacon. The deacon said “At this time of hightened security we would appriciate it if you didn’t say anything bad about the security staff.” which larry refused to lie about what happed. The deacon then grabbed larry’s left arm (the one he got shot in) and prceeded to yell at him. That was the last contact larry had with church until sunday morning.

    Larry is a good christian and as a good christian he attends not only the services but sunday school before hand. He showed up early, as he does every Sunday, and spoke to his friends and went through the whole entire class with no interuption. At the end he walked to the sanctuary to attend the services. Before the man even had an oppertunity to sit down 13 men including 2 members of the colorado springs police department(there only by the reqeust of the leadership)man handled him out of the building.

    I ask you do think that it should take 13 men to escort a calm 59 year old man outside? my answer.. absolutely not. Particularly a 59 year old man who had been shot a weeek before. As for the theory of larry being not asked to come. It’s kinda hard to ask someone not to come if you don’t talk to them. in fact if asked not to come he wouldn’t have. We could have gone to another church. Since we felt part of the healing proccess was going back to the place where everything happened, we went to church. At this point we are 98% sure that the church’s reasoning was because they din’t want larry to belittle the security that day. Which at no point in time has he ever doneand will he ever do. In all of the interveiws he gave not once did he he say anything negative to/about the 2 security gaurds. Mearly that he was unarmed and they weren’t shooting so he thought of something else that help distract him long enough for Ms. Assam to do what she did. I also revert to the interviews adn in every single one he praised Jeanne for being brave and doing what she did.

    The point is that why would you kick a hero out of church. Better yet why would you kick a christian out of church? As of right now we may never find out. Pastor Brady Boyd says he’s been trying to call but no calls have come through. Will this be the same of trying to come to an amicable resolution? We will just have to wait and see.

    The family only means to display its disgust for the church and the way they handled things. At no point in time do we want CSPD to catch any flack about this. They were mearly doing as the land owner asked for which we thank them for doing their jobs.

  20. AdmFubar says:

    far more disturbing is that this church has armed security gaurds…. if you have god on your side what do you need an armed security gaurds for??

  21. PcMonster says:

    #20 AdmFubar, Having God on your side does not mean you do not defend yourself.

  22. Mister Catshit says:

    #21, PC Monster,


    In fact, around these parts, all the special Christmas services were canceled because god snowed on them Sunday.


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