This is just wrong in so many ways.

  1. Chad Larson says:

    That’s the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen. What hath man wrought?

  2. Les says:

    Oh the humanity….

  3. Eric says:

    Yeah, cause when I think of poodle-shaped women, I think of Panasonic.

    Now, where’s that Gorrilla drumming video?

  4. John Paradox says:

    Popeye’s illegitimate daughter?


  5. Balbas says:

    The tears are still streaming down my cheeks!!!

  6. echeola says:

    WTF, WTF… shakes head slowly contemplates the folly of man and tries very hard to forget ever having saw it.

  7. snuffmuffler says:

    Yes screw the”2girls1cup”vid. you should record peoples reaction to this mess.

  8. jschiwal says:

    I didn’t know that the Island of Dr. Moreau was real.

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    she looked better in her “before” picture.

  10. All these comments and no one called her a bitch yet? Dang. I really didn’t want to have to be the one to say that.

  11. Animal House says:

    Check out the hottie in the second row on the left! Wow… I bet she likes it doggie style!

  12. Rob says:

    At first I thought they were just wearing masks but how the hell do they get the masks to look and act so realistic!? Look closely, they open and close their mouths, change facial expressions and even blink!? WTF!?

  13. bill says:

    What planet is this from?

  14. Greg Allen says:

    I made the mistake of showing this to the family and now we’re all sobered!

    We are debating — my family things this is meant to be funny but failed.

    I suspect that this woman thought she’d specialize her videos for appeal to pet lovers, but failed.

    But she CERTAINLY succeeded at being memorable!

  15. FUALL says:

    by retards for retards

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    That is 60 seconds of my life I wouldn’t want to repeat.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    The video is no longer available…

  18. McCullough says:

    Angel, I was hoping that would be true, but it just worked for me, Oh my eyes are burning.


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