Some bitches in China have invented this $100 electronic ciggie that they hope will become a hit in primarily non-smoking cities. The plastic Crown Seven electronic device blows water vapor and not smoke. It uses a mix of water, nicotine, artificial smoke flavor and propylene glycol instead of tobacco. Because it doesn’t blow smoke the makers believe health inspectors might not have a problem with it.
Man, would you look like a dork “smoking” this.
Actually you would have to be smoking something to “smoke” that.
Substitute cannabis extract for nicotine and you would have something worth buying.
If it’s nicotine, does that mean it is still addictive?
I wonder if this would be ok for people who want to ban smoking to protect the workers and children.
propylene glycol? Isn’t that anti-freeze? Why not just mix in some meth? or opium? Hey, these things might be a hit! (get it?)
but they will cost a lot more than $100… which is probably the whole idea if they are coming from China.
not exactly – ethylene glycol is commonly used as antifreeze and is poisonous to mammals, PG on the other hand is a non-toxic approved food additive which can also be used as antifreeze
#4-5 PG is also used in humidifiers for cigar humidors, you can use distilled water too, but I believe the PG is supposed to retard mold growth.
“Man you would look like a ‘Dork’ smoking this.”
Yeah, not cool while sucking on a CAMEL.
yeah really, some here worry about inhaling antifreeze instead of 1000 other poisons found in a ‘regular’ cigars, really big difference LOL