And you thought the USB headless Barbie was weird…

…although the USB keyholder is a cool (if nerdy) concept.

  1. gquaglia says:

    The hell with this, I want the USB powered sex robot.

  2. tallwookie says:

    that “Motorbike engine usb hub” is easily the stupidest thing ever. I bet those asians will eat that shit up

  3. Richard says:

    And I thought the people one cube over couldn’t get more annoying.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    So would this make it a powered USB hub?

  5. mark says:

    Since the engine looks obviously British, probably Triumph, expect to have tinker with it constantly, oh and the kick starter?

  6. Peter Rodwell says:

    Since the engine looks obviously British, probably Triumph, expect to have tinker with it constantly, oh and the kick starter?

    But what about the oil leaks?

  7. mark says:

    6. That too. I always thought the leaking oil was by design. That way you never had to change the oil, just replace what leaked. 🙂

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Looks like an old Royal Enfield to me, but then it has been many a moon.

    The old British bikes never leaked oil !!! They were just marking their spot.

  9. mark says:

    #8, Yes, it does resemble the Bullit engine from Royal Enfield, the air intake for the carbs gives it away. Also seen on the Bonneville 650. Nice find.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    #8, Mr. Fusion, The old British bikes never leaked oil !!! They were just marking their spot..

    That’s why getting a plane with a radial engine parked dead center in the tie down or hanger is always a breeze. I’d swear some of those old Pratt & Whitneys were manufactured with pores.

    Now I want the USB radial engine and coffee dispenser.

  11. OmarTheAlien says:

    I think that would become like the animated screensaver I made for the company. It was cool to begin with, then it started getting on everybodies nerves, including mine. I think the comment was made that I had really too much spare time. I get no respect.

  12. hhopper says:

    Most all things that are cool to begin with get boring or even irritating after a while.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    My Enfield had electrical problems out the yang. Starting it was a bitch but once I got it going it was pretty stable.

  14. Dan Janousek says:

    I got to have the USB Motorcycle Engine, Can’t wait to see where I can get it.

  15. Anthony says:

    If I install this on my motorcycle do I need a desktop computer to power it or will a laptop do?


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