What? I didn’t do anything!

AlterNet: Rumsfeld Flees France, Fearing Arrest — This is rich. Now he’ll probably never be able to go back to France or much of Europe.

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld fled France today fearing arrest over charges of “ordering and authorizing” torture of detainees at both the American-run Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and the U.S. militarys detainment facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, unconfirmed reports coming from Paris suggest.

U.S. embassy officials whisked Rumsfeld away yesterday from a breakfast meeting in Paris organized by the Foreign Policy magazine after human rights groups filed a criminal complaint against the man who spearheaded President George W. Bushs “war on terror” for six years.

Under international law, authorities in France are obliged to open an investigation when a complaint is made while the alleged torturer is on French soil.

found by Howard Harawitz

  1. MikeN says:

    I would think Pedro is the man for the job.

    My opinion is he was clearly a good guy, as evidenced by Margaret Thatcher’s hosting him at her place. The Allende regime was sending Chile along the same path that Cuba travelled. Luckily for the residents of Chile, Castro was still around, and they could see for themselves how bad things would become, and it moved Pinochet to action. Chile is one of the wealthiest countries in South America, and Pinochet even stepped down instead of holding a firm grip on power like every other dictator. What did he get for it? A trip to a jail cell. That certainly won’t encourage other dictators to step down.

  2. MikeN says:

    Who knows, maybe Saddam would have accepted exile if the Pinochet case hadn’t been brought. Think of all the war that could have been averted.

  3. doug says:

    #31. all those people Pinochet had pushed out of the back of C-130s over the Pacific might disagree with that assessment. but then conservatives never minded bloodbaths in the name of anti-communism, even against democratically elected communists.

  4. 888 says:

    stupid american (almost as usual 😉 )

    What a shame for ALL of you americans – love or hate Rumsfeld aside, it only shows that you americans can’t even rule the world like the world empire supposed to…


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