These guys set everything back.

Thanks BubbaRay.

  1. ithinkits1054am says:

    I have no mechanical time pieces… should i trust my PC and cellphone that THEY moved the time back?!?


    thank you. who says technology doesn’t rule?

  2. JimR says:

    That was cooooool!

  3. BubbaRay says:

    The production is amazing. How on Earth did they get the drums synced so well?? Even after watching it 3 times, I still see something new.

    It ALMOST makes up for having to reset some 20 clocks — in the house, stove, microwaves, phones, cars, watches, TVs, radios, alarms, thermostat, VCRs, DVDs, iPods… At least I didn’t have to reset the sky, the cats or my left eye, but I tried, I tried…

    Thanks, hhopper!

  4. Chuck says:

    Funny story. I live in Indiana, where we’ve only observed daylight savings for 2 years now. After it was announced that were were going to start keeping up with the rest of the country, I went out and bought a fancy-shmancy alarm clock that resets automagically. However, this year, because our fearless leader decided changing DST would stop terrorism, or something, my clock reset itself last week. Last Monday, I didn’t realize I was an hour late until I got in the car!

  5. andy says:

    no, why should i set my clock back?

  6. scotty says:

    same idea, but a better song:

  7. Steve S says:

    The clueless politicians in our government last year randomly changed the date that daylight savings time occurs not realizing that there are millions of electronic devices (watches, clocks, GPS receivers, time standard systems, etc.) that were programmed with the previous date rules and will now be unable to automatically change to daylight savings time on the new date. Why are the most ignorant people in our society serving as our government representatives? Because they are not qualified to do anything else.

    One of the latest studies concludes:
    “Going to a year-round daylight saving time would save about 200 deaths a year,…”

  8. Scott says:

    Nope, I live in NZ and we did it two weeks back. You really should realise you have a global audience and stop being so American centric.

  9. M0les says:

    #8 – I have a similar feeling living here in Australia. However unlike you, I’m not 2 hours late for work having set my clock forward instead of back.


  10. ArianeB says:

    We Arizonans just laugh at the rest of the country two times a year

  11. OmarTheAlien says:

    The whole idea of screwing around with the clocks is lunatic fringe beyond belief. I think they did it so Americans would stay up later and spend more money. It’s just another symptom of the decay from within; we can’t even keep the time straight.

  12. Glenn E says:

    I’ve yet to see an electronic clock with ‘Spring DST’ & ‘Fall DST’ button, to tell it advance or retart the current time by one hour. And if a clock is “smart enough” to know the date. Why not have a feature where it does this only at 2:00am on the appropriate Sunday? I’ve got one of those cordless remote phones in the house, that comes as a matched pair. And when you set the time of day on one, it also sets it on the other, wherever it is in the house. BUT… it has NO DST feature! Or backed up memory for when the power goes out, of the date and time. Isn’t it long overdue for us to have clocks that take care of this chore automatically, or slaved together, or to the power company somehow. This is hardly a new idea. I remember my old school had clocks that recalibrated themselves each to a central unit. And they were ANALOG!

  13. Glenn E says:

    Here’s my argument for and against the whole DST issue. Moving the clock forward and back, each year, probably wastes (or nearly does) as much energy as is saved by the whole scheme. It really screws up shift workers’ schedules. And there will always be a percentage of people either an hour later or early, because they forgot about it. Plus it costs several minutes of news reporting time, each year, to remind us of it. Not to mention taking up space on DU, twice a year. So why not just fix the time and leave it?

    If DST were permanent, year `round (as it was in WW2 for a year), then we’d save whatever we’re saving (energy?) during the summer, and by only slightly wasteful thru-out the winter. It seems to be more of a jolt to lose an hour of daylight, each fall. Than to not gain it back in the mornings. The evenings are already getting darker by November, 2 minutes a day. Then suddenly it’s darker by an entire hour. Who’s really going to miss that extra hour of daylight in the fall mornings?

    But the problem with year `round DST would be this. Too damn much daylight, in the summer evenings. It keeps us from seeing the July 4th fireworks until 9pm. And stargazers have to stay up later to see anything. And I’m sure that there are a host of others that I haven’t thought of. Sometimes I think they got it all backwards. And they should take back an hour of evening daylight in July (and perhaps June too). But that would defeat the benefit of fixing the time as I earlier suggested.

    Whether we adopted permanent Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time. We’d no doubt get use to it after a couple of years. Expecting it to always get a little darker in the mornings, as winter approached. Without expecting an hour’s reprieve on a specific date. And people would only be late for work because they hadn’t reset their watches or clocks in a few years time. And they were really inaccurate timepieces.

  14. Bill R. says:

    In Phoenix, we woke up and said, “Did they do that???”

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 – We Arizonans just laugh at the rest of the country two times a year

    You… and the Hatfields and the McCoys…

  16. Sucks! says:

    Wow, I’m tired of modern, pussified music…

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – You are right. Bring back bands with guts…

    Like The Bay City Rollers and The Bee Gees.

  18. Kintaar says:

    Daylight savings time is a bad idea. I used to be in AZ where I laughed at the rest of the country. Now I’m among the confused masses trying to figure out what time it is.


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