From a time when games were civilized.

When this game was first released in 1880 it was so hugely popular in taverns and inns that the bank of England was forced to mint more threepenny bits to keep up with demand. The game was created by messrs Nam & Nam and Co. as a novelty pastime for the masses. Outdoing the previous top public house game of Shove Ha’penny.

Check out additional pictures of this game for the leisure set, plus other artful oddities.

  1. tallwookie says:


  2. sam says:

    Fake, but very funny.

  3. Glenn E says:

    I like the P.G. game. It’s more Luddite than Steampunk, I think. But the rest of the stuff shown at the website is way too bizarre for my tastes. Back to this Neo-Victorian era of pseudo-technology. I always wanted to see a decent execution of a Victorian era style for the Dr. Who TARDIS control room. But the best they could do was some wooden panels (not bad though) and a small wooden control pedestal. The 1998 Dr. Who movie came closer. But it was more a 1930s style. I remember that the Star Trek franchise kept coming up with different alien styles of control technology. The ones seen in Deep Space 9 were particularly annoying. But they never did do a retro look, for any culture that started out technically advanced, but stylistically backward.

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Well, it isn’t “Luddite”.

    It does have a steampunk thing going on, I think… But I think the whole series is very cool. That’s living room quality stuff.


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