“Oh, daddy, it’s what I’ve always wanted!”

Syphilis for Christmas?

Manufacturers are hoping their range of cuddly toy versions of microbes including gonorrhea and syphilis will be a hit for Christmas.

US company Giant Microbes has turned microscopic images of viruses and bugs, which also include malaria and mad cow disease, into soft toys.

Other viruses to cuddle up to include salmonella, ebola, acne, rabies, black death and the good old influenza virus, reports Metro.

Each 5-to-7 inch doll is accompanied by an image of the real microbe it represents, as well as information about the microbe.

They were intended as learning tools for children but have proved popular with adults looking for amusing gifts for partners and friends.

The sales blurb about the Ebola toy says: “Since its discovery in 1976 Ebola has become the T Rex of microbes. Share the love.”

And, of the algae toy, it says: “Anyone for a pool party? Theses guys are always ready to show up. Learn who you’re swimming with before you dive in.”

The toys are on sale from £4 for one or £20 for a set.

  1. GigG says:

    Old story

  2. Cinaedh says:

    #1 GigG

    That’s a nice, original, insightful, useful, thought-provoking comment but unfortunately, I just can’t come up with an appropriate response that might be allowed within the Comment Guidelines.

    Please keep up your brilliant contributions! We’re all just breathless, waiting for them.

  3. KD Martin says:

    #2, Cinaedh, too bad we couldn’t get such a useful comment on the sister station,

    Just goes to show, Uncle Dave, crazy eds. think alike. 💡

  4. Glenn E says:

    From what fresh hell did this toy idea come from? “Can’t lick those pesky germs, then make them your friends.” I think this is more about running out of toy ideas, that haven’t already been copyrighted/patented. Than about come up with something “educational”. Do they really expect to inspire a generation of microbiologists, from grade schoolers? Especially if it’s made into a distorted cuddly doll shape. Which is the only thing the kids are really going to remember. Not the slides! But those might inspire some fear among the adults who think they’re REAL germs and not just pictures. “Yer Honor, I’m suing cause I got gonorrhea from my son’s Christmas present.” Let’s see Judge Judy deal with that.

  5. ChuckM says:

    My 15 month old love’s her “Kissing Disease” doll.

    My wife uses the whole set in her clinic when treating children and educating them on various viruses they catch and why they are sick.

  6. Glenn E says:

    Next season’s break through toy idea will be puppets/dolls representing the still-yet-to-be-copyrighted sections of the human genome. My favorite will be the doll of the gene that forms that thing dangling above the back of one’s tongue. What’s that thing called?

  7. BubbaRay says:

    #6, Are you referring to the uvula? Such a functional part of the anatomy.


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